Monday, September 28, 2020

Back to School - FINALLY!

We've been waiting for this day for literally 6 months and just when we thought this year couldn't get any stranger...FIRES... everywhere and so for 2 weeks we have watched for an email every night at 5 to see if school would start the next day.   The air quality was terrible for 2 solid weeks and though I could tell we wouldn't go back, each day the kids held out hope and were disappointed over and over.  It was ROUGH!  We were stir crazy!  And Grumpy!  Not only is waiting not what my crew does best but being stuck in the house ALL DAY, EVERY DAY is also No Bueno.  But alas today was the day.

The kids were up early as they always are on the first day.  So excited to wear their first day outfits and to see their friends.  There's also always some nervousness but mostly just lots and lots of excitement!! 

This one is EXTRA EXTRA excited!  As she should be.  Kindergarten is the best!

This year was a little different in that we couldn't walk the kids into school.  We had to drive to our designated drop off spot and then they were all suppose to unload and walk to their doors.  So basically we stopped the car and they all rushed off with barely a goodbye, which is how it had to be so that we didn't hold up the LONG line of cars behind us, but it was a little sad.  Hazel looked lost for just a moment but then a teacher met her and walked her in to Mrs. Lute and that was that.  They all seemed happy but Mommy definitely missed the goodbyes to kids and hellos to teachers and other parents.

Each morning the kids will be asked 4 questions about whether or not they've been exposed to COVID-19 or if they have any symptoms and then have their temperatures checked.  They've been sternly warned not to try to be funny.  The answers are no, no, no, and no.  

Evie seemed a little sad to see everyone go but she did great.  We came home and fed the babies breakfast and then headed back out to pick up some 1st day treats, groceries, a car wash, and back to school to pick up Hazel at 11:00.

I think she actually enjoys being the big kid for once.  She's a little naughtier than I expected.  i.e. smashing animal crackers all over the floor with the babies while I was in the bathroom and getting them to spit in the car until water was literally dripping from the seat but at least she's wasn't too sad.

Keeping her babies happy during the car wash!

Hazel was pretty cute... when I picked her up I asked her if she had had a good day and she told me, Yes! she got to play on the playground twice!  She was suppose to go to the gym but there was to many kids so they played on the playground.  Then as we pulled out of the parking lot she says, "I want to go again tomorrow!"  which is good because it's what she's going to be doing for a LONG time.  She also told me during lunch that she was surprised that Mrs. Woot didn't give her "LOADS" of homework and then said, "Oh wait!  Maybe Mrs. Woot put it in my backpack and I didn't see."  She then ran to check but "Nope! No homework!"  She was cracking me up!

They girls played pretty nicely after lunch but they were both REALLY ready for the big kids to come home.  

Mrs. K was sweet to send me this picture of Wyatt's 1st day 💓

Babies did great today especially considering the fact that they were loaded into the car 5 times.  Hope it lasts!!!

Wyatt is the only child in this house that doesn't own a Squishmallow so I promised him that the next time I saw one at Costco I'd get it for him and today was his day.

1st Day Treats!

I know this but it still always astonishes me how I can be so ready for something and so not all at the same time.  It's been a LONG break from school and the kids were ready and I was ready but then as I dropped them off there were tears and as I drove to the grocery store I couldn't stop missing my car full of kids even as in the very same moment I was grateful that I didn't have them all loud and crazy or fighting in my car.  It's really funny how that is, how we can love and struggle with the exact same things.  I always think knowing this should make it easier to roll with the chaos and appreciate wherever we are in life and I guess id does make it "easier" but it's still rarely EASY.

Anyway, today I'm thankful for the time we had at home together these past 6 months, for the memories we've made, and the ways the kids have stretched their imaginations.  I'm also thankful for all the extra help I've had with the babies.  Sadie especially has been such a HUGE help to me!  One and usually a couple of the big kids come upstairs every morning to help me carry babies down from their cribs and then carry them back up for naps.  They help me rock them and put them to bed, they help me feed them and load them into highchairs and car seats, they pick them up when they fall, and they distract them when their fighting.  Honestly, there are A LOT of things I'm REALLY going to miss now that they're back in school.  I look forward to a little less chaos and a little more quiet but all in all we've had it better than most and still do.

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