Friday, September 18, 2020

Bonk and Boo

 These 2 cuties are always and I  mean ALWAYS up to something!

Aubrey discovered a couple of days ago that she can take off her clothes.  Isn't that fun!  This morning her pajamas were on the floor.  Yay!  Luckily she hasn't figured out her diaper and unfortunately for her this isn't Mommy's first rodeo so she's about to find herself  wearing only footies and onsies.

But it was pretty cute to see how proud she was of herself.

I just can't get over the tiny teeth and little smiles.  They are so much work but they are the cutest things.

Dinner time is never dull around here.

Bedtime Shenanigans with Bonk (Maddie) and Boo (Aubrey).

These girls really are too funny!  They're always talking and playing together before and after they sleep.  One day they're passing blankets, one day they're unloading diapers and wipes they reached on the dresser, one day they're banging and tossing sippy cups, and one day I even caught them spitting their water and laughing hysterically.

The girls had their 15 month well check and they're still doing great.  They go down for naps and bedtimes with just a little hug and snuggle which is such a blessing.  I mean we're a little bummed their not more snuggly in general, but it's nice they're so easy going about bedtime especially when I'm doing it by myself.  As far as feedings, they're down to just one in the morning and that is mostly for mommy.  I might be having a little trouble letting go of this season of my life and letting them grow up.  As far as communication goes they can say Mama, Dada, and uh oh, and they're really good about shaking their heads yes and no to things and signing for more if they want something.  Aubrey weighed 19lb 15oz and Maddie weighed 20lb which means both are in the 30th percentile which is great for a Troyer baby.

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