Wednesday, September 16, 2020


The month of July has flown by.  Swimming lessons got us out of the house a bit which was nice and the weather has been really great.  We've actually spent a lot of time out on the back deck using our things and space in ways other than what they were intended for.  All the baby gates drive Daddy a bit crazy but they contain the babies who LOVE being outside with the older kids.  So our nice relaxing back deck has basically turned into a second playroom but hey whatever keeps me sane these days, and kids being outside is definitely something that keeps me sane.  Plus, as I remind him when he's brave enough to comment on our chaos, it's only temporary.  Before we know it all these little ones will be grown up and probably leaving other things littered around the house but we'll remember the days of baby toys and Barbie dolls.

The babies don't actually like water in their pool but they love to sit in it with all their toys and siblings.

Oh Miss Evie.... Never grow up but if you do you many need to work on the getting dressed part.

I hope we never forget your little voice.  Almost every night we see little toes or the corner of a dress as we sit down to unwind and we say Evie what do you need and in your tiny little voice you say Ummm....Ummm...I....Are we....Can i see the goats tomorrow?  Or something equally off the wall.  And then satisfied at having your random question answered you head back to bed or Daddy scoops you up and carries you there.  You've gotten so big but your still so little.

Again no water but fun to sit in it with watermelon and Harper while the bigger kids swim in Grammy's pool.

A bucket of water however is acceptable.

We've had a lot of snakes this summer.  Luckily my boys love them and as long as they're not in my house I can tolerate them being shown to me through the window.

One day we decided that we'd had enough of the naked Barbies.  Apparently they were always naked because they were always swimming so we made some Barbie swimsuits out of leftover fabric and elastic.

Of course we forgot about towels so this is how the girls dried them off.  

We've also had some pretty entertaining dress up games recently.  These kids have no shortage of creativity which is a great thing.  It's messy and sometimes I have to remind myself that it's worth it but I know it is.  I'm so glad that they have each other and that they are able entertain themselves.

Aubrey and Maddie continue to be busy, busy, busy.  I didn't capture as many pictures of their shenanigans this month but trust me they happened.

And then there's our next project.  With the bathroom finished it was on to the outside of the house.  The front deck was in terrible shape as was the front door.  So we've tackled that and are hoping to have it all wrapped up before the rain comes in a few months.

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