Thursday, September 24, 2020

What in the Whole Wide World 2020!!!

As my nephew Carter would say, "What in the whole wide world!!!" 

Today was suppose to be the first day of school but it didn't quite work out the way we planned.  Much like the rest of 2020.

Seriously what is going on and what can be said about 2020?  I'm certain a lot will be said about it in the future but for now all I can say is man what an unbelievably strange year this has been.  Up until about 2 weeks ago it was looking like we weren't going to be able to return to school in September.  It's basically been back and forth all summer.  Earlier in the summer we were planning on returning 5 days a week in person, then at the beginning of August due to to an increase in COVID-19 cases locally the governor released a metrics for when schools could begin reopening which seemed like it was going to be nearly impossible to meet.    

Anyway, we went ahead and bought school supplies because the kids really wanted to and we were cautiously hopeful that we were going to return in September because we were a private school.  However, on August 7th we got the dreaded email from school saying that only preschool and kindergarten would be able to return in September.  Everyone else was going to have to begin the year online.  Uggg!

Then a week later we get another email saying they've found a way for K-6 to open with an "expanded childcare license."  Yay!!

Brandon and I planned to get away for a couple of days at the beginning of September and a few days before we headed out we got news that there was going to be a back to school night the Wednesday afternoon that we were planning to leave.  This was a little bit of a bummer but we stayed as the email warned that this was likely going to be the ONLY time we were allowed onto campus this Fall.  We had to sign up for a slot so that the school could assure that there would only be 50 people on campus at a time and luckily we were able to coordinate with Ashley and Grammy so that the kids could go home with them straight from school and we could head off to our weekend away.

Wednesday, September 2nd

Back to school night was very strange!  The teachers all wore face shields and a few greeted the kids with big hugs before apologizing that they weren't suppose to do that.  It was just too weird.  Our school is like a big family.  We're all about hugs and high fives and connection.  On a normal school day Mr. K greets every kid entering the building with a high five and all of the teachers stand at their doors greeting and giving hugs to kids as they walk down the hall to their rooms.  This has all just been so surreal.  We left in a crazy rush last April right before spring break and here we were returning to mostly empty hallways.  Each class has been divided so that there are only 12-15 kids per teacher, there are no job shares, there are strict rules about lunches, and restrooms, and parents on campus, and the drop off and pick up routines are borderline crazy, but all worth it if it means our kids can be back in the classroom.

Hazel will be in Kindergarten this year with Mrs. Lute and Mrs. Lytle.  Her friend Page is in her class but Ainsley is in the afternoon class.  Hazel is beyond excited to start school although she will at times admit that she is also a little nervous.  She's just to funny!  I can't wait to see how much she is going to grow and enjoy Kindergarten this year!  We ALL just love Mrs. "Woot" and the fact that as she always says, she's just been waiting and waiting for Hazel to come to her class. 💓

Sadie is in Mrs. Lederer's 5th grade class this year.  Mrs. Lederer taught at our school a few years back and apparently remembers me being pregnant but it's been a few years.  Anyway, she seems really sweet and I think Sadie is going to have an awesome year!  Her friend Jillian is in her class but she will miss Chloe who is homeschooling and Teyah who is in the other 5th grade class.

Cooper is in Mrs. H's 2nd grade class.  Mrs. H. is the mom of his good friend Sam who is in his class.  His friends Tim and Wyatt are also in his class which he is pretty excited about!

Wyatt is in Mrs. Morehead's 4th grade class.  He is in the basement under the chapel which he thinks is pretty awesome, and he sits right next to his best friend Cole and a new student coming to our school that Uncle Robert knows which is fun.  Unfortunately he does have quite a few friends in the other class which he's kinda bummed about, but I assured him at some point life has to get back to normal and then I'm sure both classes will get to play together.

Anyway so that was Wednesday, Friday while we were in Bend, we got the news that although they had reasonable assurance that they would have their childcare license approved by Friday they did not receive it meaning that school/ "childcare" would not be able to start on Tuesday.  We were told that we would be notifying each day at 5:00 p.m. as to whether or not school would begin the following day.  

Monday, September 7th 

Tonight we received a severe weather warning regarding heat and strong winds and sure enough about 8:00 p.m. our power went down.  Thankfully the kids were already headed to bed so there wasn't to much craziness.  It was mostly a bummer because it was hot and there are a few fires around so the air was smoky enough that we didn't really want to open our windows.

Tuesday, September 8th  

We woke up to the power still out.  Brandon went out and got us doughnuts and coffee before he headed to work.  When he left at around 7:00 it was still dark.  I'm not exactly sure when it usually gets light but usually before 7:00.

Hazel woke up all excited to tell us that the power was still out.  She came down saying "the powers out!  Ask Malexa something!!! Try it!  Ask Malexa!!"  Silly girl.

I wasn't quite ready for all the craziness so I told the kids to turn off their book lights which they were shining all over the house and just sit and watch the sunrise.  About 15 minutes later the power came back on but it was still dark outside.  Strange but I figured it just felt extra dark because of all the smoke.  So the kids turned on the T.V. and I hopped in the shower but got out to find that it was still eerily dark,  I mean really dark like a scene from a strange apocalyptic movie.  

We decided to head to Grammy's as I'd already mentioned that to the kids before I realized the power would come back on.  

This was our house at 8:30 a.m.  As we headed out I called Brandon to verify that I didn't have anything to worry about because it crossed my mind that maybe I should grab valuables or at least the kids' blankets, their most prized possessions.  He said we were good but it still felt so strange.

As we got to Grammy's house it got even darker.  

This is 8:57 a.m. as we turned the corner from Robison to Skelton.

At the dairy it was completely dark looking towards the barn and just this sliver of red could be seen if you were looking towards Great Grandpa's house.

By 10:00 the sky was starting to really light up and gradually became brighter and brighter.
10:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.
You could just see the thick smoke rolling over the mountains.

11:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.
About 11:00 Kevin and Sonja pulled in having chosen to voluntarily evacuate from their home in Scio.

Here we are back home about 11:45

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

How crazy that this was suppose to be our first day of school and how like 2020 to send us something so wild and strange.  Hazel asks me almost every hour if we're going to go to school tomorrow and I tell her I'm just not sure.  I kinda can't imagine we'll be back in school this week with the air as terrible as it is right now.  I mean we're praying that they get these fires under control quickly, but first day drop off is crazy under normal circumstances.  Add to that the COVID procedures and pitch black darkness first thing in the morning and it just doesn't seem like it's meant to be.  This is definitely a year for the record books.

Wednesday, September 9th
We received news that our expanded childcare license was approved!!!  Yay!!! But no school today because of hazardous air quality.
Today Kendra an Andy decided to voluntarily evacuate their home in Springfield as one of the fires is pretty close to them.  They are only a few miles out from where mandatory evacuations begin and they don't want to take the chance of having to evacuate in the middle of the night.  So we get a cat for a few days.  The kids are sooooo excited to welcome Gus Gus back home!  

Luckily Gus is a pretty social cat because the kids don't give him much space.

Thursday, September 10th
These fires are really raging.  We went over to Grammy's for a bit this morning just to get out of the house.  The kids are going crazy being stuck inside but the air is really terrible.  I've been near quite a few fires when I lived in California but I've never experienced anything even close to this! 

While we were over at Grammy's I was able to visit with Kevin and Sonja for awhile which was nice.  We don't get to see them as much as we'd like to so it was nice to catch up and thankfully their house is still safe as is Kendra's.

The kids are still loving Gus.  Today they took turns having quiet time with him.

Friday, September 11th
Still no school.  The air seems about the same.  It's looking like it's going to be a long weekend of being stuck inside.  

Saturday, September 12th
Well we were stuck inside.  I finally gave in and let the kids have 10 minutes to play outside with their masks on (I have no idea if that does anything) and then they had to come right back inside.  Thankfully Kevin and Sonja invited us over to the dairy for pizza tonight which was really nice.  It's good just to get out of the house and have a change of scenery for a little while.

Kendra and Andy were able to return home today which meant the kids had to say goodbye to Gus Gus.  He really was pretty fun.  I'd really be tempted to get a house can if I wasn't so allergic.

Sunday, September 13th
No church today due to air quality :(

Monday, September 14th
Still no school.  We have some hope air quality may begin to improve this evening but no one really knows.

Tuesday, September 15th
NOPE!!!  The air quality didn't improve in fact the Department of Environmental Quality and National Weather Service has extended an air quality alert for western Oregon and southwest Washington through noon Thursday.  Based on this information school is now targeting to reopen Friday, September 18th.  Can I just say the groans through my house were quite pathetic.  Sadie says she's never going to want another summer break.  Somehow I doubt that but I'm going to hold her to not complaining about school at least for a little while.

Today Ryan started chopping over at VanLoons and Sadie and Hazel got to go over and ride for awhile while the babies napped.  They were really excited about it and had a great time riding along with Ryan and Katie in the truck and chopper.

Wednesday, September 16th
I'm thankful for how excited the kids are about chopping.  It's been a nice break from being inside.  Today Grammy came over with Carter and Harper for a bit and Wyatt and Cooper took their turns chopping.  The air is still pretty smoky but it's definitely getting a little better each day.  We're expecting rain and cooler weather on Friday!!  Hopefully that will really help the fire and smoke situation out!!!

Thursday, September 17th
Today we were notified that air quality remains "hazardous" and that the advisory now extends into Friday so it's looking like no school this week!

Friday, September 18th
Today Grammy invited the big 5 over to play with their cousins so that I could clean the house and get ready for Tommy's 1st birthday party which we are hosting.  The kids had a blast as always and my house is WAY cleaner than I had any hopes of it being.

In case you're wondering...nothings stays clean for long around here.  Naughty Little Nuggets!

Tonight around 8:00 p.m. we finally got some rain!!!!  Brandon and I sat outside and watched and listened to the storm as it rolled in thankful for the fresh air that we knew was coming.  

Saturday, September 19th
The air was so much better today so the kids spent almost the entire day outside playing which was AMAZING!  I even tried to let the babies outside for a bit but that didn't last long.  These two are into everything!

Then we celebrated Tommy's 1st birthday with the family!!!!  Love this sweet boy!!!

Sunday, September 20th
Still no church because of rain but we are happy to announce that school starts tomorrow!!!!!!!!!  Hazel was pretty cute fretting about what if she forgets where her snack goes and what if this and what if that.  Though she is BEYOND excited we can also see a little nervousness deep down.  Daddy assured her that Mrs. Lute will help her with anything she forgets. 💓  It's going to be hard not getting to walk her in tomorrow but I know she's going to do great!!!

AND YET..... WE PRAISE HIM and know that He is up to something in ALL of this craziness.
Praise Him in the harvest
Or when the yield is lost
Praise Him every beat of your heart

Darkness is as light to Him
He keeps you in His charge
Praise Him every beat of your heart

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