Sunday, September 20, 2020


The kids have just been itching to go back to school shopping.  We still don't know what's happening with school next year but in the spirit of optimism I decided to take them figuring they'll go back at some point, right?!?

Hazel's was by far the most excited!!!  She is so ready to go to kindergarten.  Her class list is actually the only one that wasn't up but I took her anyway as I can guess for the most part what will be on it.  She picked out this cute backpack and as we stood in line at Starbucks and I asked her to pose for a picture to send Daddy I noticed this little pocket on the top and what do you know it has a hood.  LOVE IT!!!



On the way up from bringing in the trash cans the other day the kids come running to the car and tell me they've found a hornets nest as big as a basketball/squishmellow.  I took my time unloading certain they were exaggerating but for once they were not.  Just look at this thing!!!  It's huge and swarming with what looks like black hornets.  YIKES!!!

In case you're wondering Brandon sprayed poison on it about 3 nights in a row and then ended it with his shotgun.  We tried to play a trick on all our tough talking kids but we didn't scare them as much as we thought we would.

Today I humored the kids with a fort.  We used an old cabinet that use to be in the boys' room and the toy cube so that it had 3 sections that they could crawl through.  It was pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

We're still enjoying our baby goats.

Hazel's a little goat wrangler.  We're not sure how she catches them but she always does and you should see her sling them over her shoulder and carry them to where she wants to sit with them.  She's crazy and this is her happy place!

Daddy made more progress on the front balcony waterproofing, re-framing, and installing a new french door.  Much to his dismay, as is normally the case with remodeling, the previous door was a custom size which would have cost us at least twice as much, probably more.  So instead the project of replacing it took twice as long because he had to re-frame it to the correct size.  Such a long weekend but it's done and looks great!

My kids love the frogs and we have a lot of them this year.  They like to hide under the cushions of the outdoor furniture which I don't love but they do.  They actually go out looking for and collecting them.

We squeezed in a few more afternoon swims at Grammy's.  The pools a little green but the kids don't seem to mind one bit.

We're down to just over a week left of summer so I asked the kids what they wanted to do and made a paper chain to count down to the first day and listing what we are going to do each day.  I figure that way we will be more likely to squeeze in a few last minute fun memories and it might give me a break from a certain persistent little Nut's question of what are we going to do today.  ALL DAY!!  EVERY DAY!!!  I can't really blame the for being a little stir crazy, we all are, but hopefully this will get us through the last few days.  

The park seems like a really small thing but I haven't been brave enough to try it with all the kids alone before this.  Luckily there weren't too many people there and the babies were pretty good about staying in the stroller for a good part of the time which makes it a lot easier to manage.
Just in case I wasn't enough of a spectacle bringing 7 children to the park these goofy boys wanted to dress like twins right down to their mismatched socks. 



The kids have really been wanting to earn extra money so we put them to work moving and stacking all the wood Brandon's been splitting.

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