Friday, June 2, 2023

Happy Birthday Twinnies!!!

We had so much fun celebrating our 2 spicy little unicorns this week.  They wore their Christmas dresses and stole the show per usual with their new unicorn hats and purses.  Maybe we're being optimistic but 4 feels like a major milestone where we will have a little more energy to enjoy all the fun and craziness these best friend sisters bring to our family.  

We started our morning with donuts.  Aubrey was ready to rock and roll.  Maddie wanted to be back in bed.

Then it was time for presents before school.  4 is such a fun age for gifts!!!


Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

We stopped by the dairy to say hi to Grammy, Uncle Robert, and Great Grandpa after school drop off.
Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R) with Great Grandpa

Couldn't help but do a little throw back.  They were sooooo tiny!

Then we got our free birthday smoothies!

For dinner it was "nunicorn" cupcakes and tacos, their current favorites.



On Friday we celebrated with the family.  As we currently have no A.C. and it was pretty hot this day we bought a kiddie pool and made dinner super easy with Costco pizzas and salad.  The kids always have a blast with the cousins and this was no exception.

Do you make 1 cake or 2 for twins???  I don't but I figure they should get a few things that are their own.


I'm sure this is not the safest option but after I purchased this pool and hauled it and these 2 monkeys across the parking lot battling a less than stellar cart and a slight breeze, I was determined that it was going to fit into the car.  And it did!!  Just barely!




Maddie and Aubrey, 

We truly cannot believe you are 4.  It feels like yesterday AND a lifetime ago that we were welcoming you to this world on Mother's Day weekend.  I was an emotional mess as delivery didn't go as planned and you were in the N.I.C.U. and honestly things haven't gone as planned ever since.  Some things have been harder than we expected while other things have been easier.  We've passed many milestones that I couldn't even think about until we got there like moving you to big beds and potty training and although we still have many, MANY, moments you are learning and growing and playing with your siblings better and better all the time.  You have a MILLION, well TWO MILLION things to say EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. but we love your little voices.  Aside from the shrill screaming at one another which happens more often than our nerves can really handle, we will forever miss your little voices pretending and telling us stories, and saying things like, "Is it we birthday?" or "who bought we that present?"  You take turns being nice and naughty, thank you for that, :) and we cannot wait for the adventures we have ahead as you continue to grow and experience life in your own very unique way.  You love each other more than I think we will ever understand and we ALL love you more than you'll ever know.  Happy Birthday Sisters!!!  We love you!

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