Monday, June 19, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 15

 June 10, 2023

Week 15: Break for the W.P.I. company picnic.


If we're being honest Brandon and I were not to excited about loosing a weekend of working on the house but I think it was a good change of pace for the kids.  They were all pretty excited and did much better than the last time we went 3 years ago with newborn twins.

The kids think this event is a blast! They get goodie bags, there are water guns and bounce houses, there are snow cones and soda, and they just get to run around and play.  Brandon and I are usually pretty tired at the end of the day but all in all it was fun this year.

They were expecting something like 300 people this year so it was a pretty big group and they always do a big raffle for the employees at the end.

Jesse and Brandon raffling off 125 prizes or something crazy like that.

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