Friday, June 9, 2023

Kindergarten Graduation 2023

Well another year has LITERALLY flown by.  Kindergarten is so much fun and Evie has loved it!  She has loved being in Mrs. Lutes class just like all of her big brothers and sisters, she learned to read and write along with many other things, and she made some really sweet new friends.  Of all of our kids I think Evie was the most ready for kindergarten.  I wondered how she'd like the academics as she can be a little bit of a ding dong but I knew she was ready for a little more independence.  She really wanted to be "grown up" like the bigger kids.  At home, if we're honest, it's hard being sandwiched between a very enthusiastic Hazel and twin sisters.  Evie is sweet and quiet and doesn't usually make a fuss but obviously wants to be seen too and while we do our very best it has to be one of the most challenging parts of a big family.  School has been great for Evie as it naturally gives her some of own things and as Mrs. Lute does a great job of inviting parents to be a part of the year it gave me lots of opportunities to participate in parties, and field trips, and helping in class where I could just spend time with Evie and her friends and she loved this.  She blew me away with how quickly she picked up reading and writing.  She worked really hard and did great!  She also has a great memory often excited to tell me things she was learning about butterflies, or counting, or songs they were learning.  Anyway, can't believe we have another kindergarten graduate. 

Miss Evie Rose you did amazing and it was so fun celebrating you at your party and graduation!!!

Kindergarten Graduation Party!

August, Boa, Kirra, Evie, Kai, and Gracie

Evie received the Panda Award for her gentle and kind spirit.

Grammy's new hobby is making cookies.  Isn't she amazing!!!


Evie Troyer
Her favorite thing about kindergarten was recess.
She learned to read this year.
She says that Mrs. Lute is nice and Mrs. Lytle cares for people.
She thinks that her teachers will be teaching this summer.
She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
She hopes to go to the pool this summer.

Mrs. Lytle and Mrs. Lute

Evie and Stella

Bea, Stella, and Evie

Evie and Bea

Evie wasn't too excited about leaving her friends even though we were headed home for ice cream and gifts.

Grammy gets every kindergarten graduate one of these silly singing creatures.

Ice cream sundaes with ALL the toppings for our sweet little sweet tooth.

Now we get a smile.

The evening ended with all of the kids pulling out their kindergarten memory books.  Such a treasure all the memories Mrs. Lute compiles for each of them.

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