Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Christmas 2023

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning always begins with breakfast with Grammy and Uncle Caleb.  Then we read the Christmas story and open presents as a family.  It's a rush of excitement and questions and who's turn is it?  Everyone is excited to give and to receive and to open and to see all the things they've been patiently and anxiously awaiting.  I especially love the excitement of the littles and have been soaking in these last years with toddlers.

By 11:00 presents are opened and I'm enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee before we divide and conquer all the toys that need to be set up/assembled.  I always seem to forget how time consuming this can be. 

3:30 and Maddie is ready to roll to Grammy's house.

Daddy and Baby Ellie Jo

The Christmas Story with Grammy

Mr. Mason

Now that's a Cousin Crew!
Mason, Adelina, Sadie, Ellie Jo, Payton, Wyatt, Cooper
Andy, Ollie, Carter, Hazel, Autumn, Lillie, Evie
Harper, Hadley, Aubrey, Maddie, and Tommy

And in case your wondering this is what it looks like to get everyone to take a photo. :)

The Moss Squad just keeps growing!

This day is always one of the fullest, craziest, most fun filled, and exhausting days of the year!
We wouldn't trade it for the world but we're also very ready to find our beds.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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