Thursday, January 18, 2024

Cooper's 11th Birthday

This kid turned 11!!!!  Aside from the mop on his head which he can't decided what he wants to do with Cooper continues to be an easy going kid.  He loves football, school, his puppy May, Zelda, baseball, board games, reptiles, anything with friends, and even his siblings.  Cooper is never more bummed out than when his brother is away.  I've always been thankful that the boys were close in age but now with it only being the two of them in a house full of girls I'm even more deeply grateful that they have each other.  I look at my own brothers and how their relationships have grown over the years.  As all relationships they ebb and flow but the history and memories are truly irreplaceable and perhaps one of God's most precious gifts and profound graces. 

Maybe I'm just feeling sentimental because Robert will be getting married soon and I still remember his speech at Ryan's wedding about how as kids they always played farm together and now here they were grown up and still "playing" farm together.  I don't know but I pray that these boys know the great blessing they have in one another even when they're driving each other crazy.  For now we will appreciate it for them as we listen to them giggle in their room stuffed in the same twin bed at 11 and almost 13 watching Dude Perfect or playing a game on the floor and just being dumb.

May we never take for granted this house stuffed to the gills with family.

Also pretty incredible to remember that on November 4th this happened...

And here we are on the 30th with new drywall, paint, and even our Christmas tree.  Like none of it ever happened :)  Just celebrating another birthday as usual. 
Carter, Andy, and Ollie
Our family is heavy on girls but these 3 amigos are all really close in age and a riot!!!

Coopers buddy Sam joined us for his party.

The next morning I went out to my car and found this waiting for me.  My soon to be sister in law Amanda is pretty amazing.  She made this and it will likely adorn my door for many many months.  I love it!!!

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