Friday, January 5, 2024

Troyer Addition - Week 37-39

November 11, 2023

Week 37-39: Added can lights on the first floor, insulation on the 1st floor, drywall on the 1st floor, and paint on the 1st floor.

We spent the weekend adding can lights to the downstairs space. and insulating the walls and ceilings downstairs in preparation for drywall to start on Friday.  We don't even have the real lights in yet but already I LOVE the new lighting!!!

Tuesday PGE came out and did their final hook up which means the addition officially has power!!!

Made a mess of our driveway getting it hooked up but I guess Jordan needed to come back one more time anyway.

Wednesday we moved all of the furniture downstairs back into the garage and masked all of the floors AGAIN.  Uggg!!  But at least this time we're masking for drywall to go in instead of being torn out. :)  Moving in the right direction.

Thursday L & W stocked our drywall and then we moved over to Grammys house for the week.  We decided it was just going to be too much try to live in the house this week while they hung and finished the drywall.  Timing couldn't have been better however.  The kids have just one more day of school and then they are on Thanksgiving break which makes being displaced feel a little bit less complicated.  Still not idea but more manageable.
These two are ready to go!!

It's going to look so much different in just a couple of days.  So exciting!!!

Evie is definitely our wild sleeper.  Another reason I'm thankful we only have to wake up for school one time.

A friend of Brandon's, Nic, and his dad hung our drywall in a day and Devon came in right behind them to start finishing.  I was shocked at how quickly this space was transformed.  Photo above is as they started hanging Friday morning and the picture below is after school as the kids and I swung in to help scrap out the drywall.

Maddie was excited to try out the new door Daddy installed in the garage.

Pretty great progress in 2 weeks!!!

November 18, 2023

This weekend we were camped out at moms.  Brandon worked on some trim and doors.  Devon worked on finishing drywall, and Robert and Mom were in Montana.

Look who got himself engaged!!!!

Sunday we went home during quiet time to work on some cleaning and I can't even remember what else.  The twins always take an hour quiet time in their rooms on Sunday while we catch a nap so we didn't think much of it.  In their defense we did leave them up there a little longer than usual but FOR THE LOVE!!!!!  One of them came out at one point saying the other was naughty and when I went up to check on them they had broken Evie's little paper fan and had colored on each others walls.  Now mind you I've taken away ALL the markers as they are know to be naughty with them, but Evie bought a water bottle birthday shopping with Grammy that you decorate yourself and it never crossed my mind that those markers might be in their room.  And yep that means it's permanent marker.  Curse words.  I guess we can add it to the list of things that will need to be painted.  

Monday:  Monday was a rough day.  It was parent teacher conferences which just overwhelm me most of the time at least with certain kids of mine.  Everyone means well but sometimes I leave just feeling overwhelmed by guilt.  There are always suggestions as to how I can help them more and I just want to cry or in this case I did cry because I'm so underwater most afternoons.  The suggestions sound simple just 10 minutes... but they feel huge.  I honestly don't see how I can add even ONE more thing to our routine and yet feel this crushing pressure that their success in school is dependent upon me.  This is not true, I know, and as we ended I was reminded that God has made each of my children exactly the way He intended and that He will equip them for His purposes and that I CANNOT mess that up.  That's a good reminder!  Definitely needed to hear that.

Anyway so by the time Brandon got home I was spinning, AWESOME, but we got the kids fed and then Sadie put the little girls to bed while the boys hung out and played Nintendo at Grammy's house and we headed over to the house to start priming walls and ceilings.

Tuesday:  Brandon texted Katie and told her I'd had a rough day so being the sweet friend she is she showed up in the morning with donuts and coffee and then loaded up Hazel and Evie so I'd have a couple less kids.  I can't even express how kind it felt to see her walk through that door.  Sometimes the visual reminder that there are other people in the trenches with you makes such a huge difference.  

After she left with the girls we decided to go to Costco which was actually pretty fun with the big 3 and the twins and then it was Autumns party at night.


Carter and Hazel

Harper and Evie

Wyatt out mowing Grammys yard.  This kid is a really hard worker.  It took him a long time as the grass was long and wet but he got it done for her without skipping corners.  When he finished I asked if he wanted me to push the mower back for him because he looked pretty wiped and he said, "no that's okay you have your good shoes on."  Sometimes I just have to remember how sweet and thoughtful he can be because he can also be such a ding dong some times. 

Wednesday: Amy bravely invited all but the twins to sleep over after Autumns party.  She's CRAZY!!! But seriously it was super nice of her.  So Wednesday we said hi to Grammy who just got back from Montana, dropped the twins off at Auntie Amy's house, and then I went home to paint for a couple of hours with Donn.  When Brandon got there I went back to Amy's and that's when things got a little sideways.  They wanted a second sleepover so Evie stood in the middle of the street refusing to get into the car or literally do anything, lovely.  Anyway we finally got home, Caleb picked up dinner for us and after I finally got the littles to bed Grammy played games with the big kids while I went back to the house to clean with Brandon so that we can move home tomorrow!!!!!  Seriously it takes a village and I don't know what we'd do without this huge family of mine stepping in for us again and  again.

Thursday:  Happy Thanksgiving!!!  This year we are extra thankful to be in our own beds, in our own house complete with drywall and new paint!  Thankful for family and for friends.  Thankful for the way God cares for us through them.  "God brings the right people at the right time.  This is God's providence."  Thankful for Nic and Randy and Devon hanging and finishing our drywall quickly and for Donn coming to cut in all of our ceilings for us.  Thankful for a place to stay while the work was being done and that it landed over break so we didn't have to worry about school. 


Friday:  We were going to wait a week to get our tree but the weather was so beautiful that we decided we couldn't pass it up.

We ended the day grilling burgers.  It was a good first day back home!

November 25, 2023

This weekend we finished up all the last things that needed to happen before the drywall starts being installed in the new space.  Drywall was delivered and stocked Thursday while the insulators finished up their work and Friday Nic and 2 other guys started hanging the drywall in our garage.  Pretty exciting.  We also celebrated Cooper's 11th birthday!

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