Monday, January 8, 2024

Decorating the Tree

I remember loving to decorate the tree as a kid.  My mom had an ornament for each year and we loved to look at them and take turns hanging them on the tree.  My bible study leader years ago mentioned that she bought an ornament for each of her girls every year so that someday when they were grown they'd have a set of ornaments to decorate their own tree with.  Anyway, I liked that idea although I didn't realize as a newly, pregnant for the first time Momma, how many ornaments that would require me to buy.  Yet we've kept this tradition.  Each year I try to find an ornament that is reminiscent of that year or what that child was excited about or doing that year.  Then when it's time to decorate the tree I get out my list of each kid and their ornament for each year and it's our tradition to go through one year at a time and remember as a family as we hang our ornaments.

This year Brandon wrote down his observations and shared them with me so that I could see it from his point of view as mine is sometimes crowded by all the little people searching for their ornaments and asking questions :)

In what has been one of the craziest seasons yet, Momma Troyer has made sure to slow it down to decorate the Christmas tree in true Momma Troyer fashion.

The herd huddled around and announced and celebrated each ornament as Carrie pulled them out and unpacked them.  Cooper claiming his toilet, Wyatt calling out for the "gutter snipes" for the Twinkies.

Sadie couldn't be more engaged or excited.  We even got a "YES" out of her.

For a brief moment there is no fighting, no poking, no arguing, just remembering all the ornaments and hopefully the meaning of each.  Cooper's remote cuz in 2014 that's all the kid wanted to do, play with the TV remote.  The Twinkies showing off their Tasmanian devis cuz.... well they're crazy.  Sadie patiently waiting for her Elsa.  Even though today she will say she hates Frozen.  Hazel holding up Bob the Builder as Dad's... Dad maybe shed a tear.  Wyatt putting up the ornament with Grandpa on it from 2009 after Grandpa passed.  Then that damn bell from when Dad was sick.  I hear it ring and I hold back the tears.

Remembering our first trip to Disneyland with Sadie and Wyatt.  2013, first Christmas in Oregon, and Sadie has an ornament to remember the little Target kitty.

At this point in the experience Maddie is spinning in the corner and Aubrey is sitting right close to Momma Troyer and Hazel is super worried about her first ornament hanging without falling.

2016 Wyatt was Captain America...ALL day!

Everyone thinks we need a fire alarm ornament for Sadie's silly bird.

Joe-Yoshi-Bowzer.  Cooper shook his head... No other words needed.

Evie and her sweet as pie.

Wyatt has hung up two for Hazel being the helper he is even though he and Hazel are mortal enemies at times.

2019 we had the Twinnies....hashtag game changer.

Aubrey is currently doing cheerleader moves and Maddie is bouncing on one leg.

2020 ornament.  One of the craziest years this world has seen for our generation and at the same time one of the great years for the Troyer household.

Hazel just paused to head bang and swing her hair back and forth!!!  What a crazy little nut.

Mom and Dad's Hawaii ornament, where they were first introduced to Mai-Tais....  Hashtag game changer....

Troyer household est. 2007.  
7 kids, 2 dogs, 1 ridiculous bird, copious amounts of goats, and one full and amazing journey.

Having a front row seat to this crazy show is my greatest joy in life.  My goodness what an amazing life we have!!

God, thank you for how richly you have blessed us.  The journey has seen hard times, but my goodness, what an amazing thing we have!


There is something so magical about a lighting and decorating the tree in this the darkest part of the year.

Isaiah 9:2,6-7
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.  He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from the that time on and forever.  The zeal of the LORD almighty will accomplish this.

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