Friday, September 30, 2022

The Troyer Frat House

We've given up trying to figure out why they do the things they do or even trying stop them half of the time.  Pretty much anything goes around here (not really but really).  We hope and dream of a day when we will feel at least halfway sane again.  

Thankfully I know quite a few other moms of twins and they swear to me that it is going to turn around soon.  Up until this point I think they've been afraid to tell me it gets worse.  They just smile and say "I remember those days.  It's so exhausting and no one really understands", but FINALLY in the past few weeks I'm starting to hear more and more "How old are they?  Hang in there.  It's going to get better soon and you'll start feeling more and more like yourself."

This ones coming back to bite these little gutter snipes one day for sure. :)

And the sleeping.  I mean who sleeps like this?  It's like they pass out right in the middle of whatever they're doing.

The first time we found them like this Uncle Robert was watching them.  We asked him if he'd babysit the youngest 4 while we went to a last minute baseball game with the big kids.  He agreed and crazy Uncle that he is he even took them into Target.  He was warned, but I'm pretty sure a warning is synonymous with dare to Uncle Robert.

Drinking Beer.
Hazel: "Do you think they'll think we're really drinking beer?"
Insert Eye Roll.  UNCLE ROBERT!!!!

And this is what we came home to.
They OBVIOUSLY partied too hard!
Roberts said he heard them being crazy but wasn't about to open their door which means he is at least a little scared of shenanigans these two are capable of bringing.

After this I began documenting the crazy sleep positions. 
Seriously a couple nights a week this is how we find them.

They are actually both in this heap of toys and blankets.

We seriously don't know how they get any sleep. 

To cut down on the bed time shenanigans we once again did a purge of their room eliminating all the toys and we did what we could to separate them from their big sisters who are often a big part of the problem.

Not perfect but it helped.

And then their was the day they helped themselves to the paints and painted the table, themselves, and each other.




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