Thursday, August 22, 2024

Caldera Springs 2024

Vacation was just what our family needed and we are better for having spent it with family!  Here at the end of a VERY busy summer that really hasn't felt anything like I expected it to, we found ourselves back in a place that feels safe and normal even though normal for us is the craziness of 31 people under the same roof and probably lots of stares from the "normal" families.

We really do love this place, as overwhelming as it can be at times, because it's a place where we for years now have been making memories together and catching up with one another and just enjoying time together.  There's a brick by the fireplace from my childhood home engraved with the phrase "We've got Time!" in memory of my Dad.  Time is a strange thing isn't it?!?!  Because yes, we've got time.  In fact in some ways it's all we really have, until we don't.  We have time but it passes quickly making it valuable and fleeting and to be treasured and remembered, but at the same time not obsessed over or stuffed to the breaking point the way we typically live.  I think the heart behind my Dad's easy going "We've got Time." was enjoy THIS moment, the one happening right now in front of you, and for some reason that always seems a little bit easier on vacation.

Matthew 6:25,34

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of it's own."

We, I, spend so much time planning and worrying about life which certainly does have troubles.  This verse does not deny that our days are filled with trouble.   However, worrying changes nothing and I think this loosening of our grip on all the things we "think" we control is how we breathe and rest and enjoy the time we are given.

We brought up bikes again this year and the oldest 3 loved the freedom of riding around the neighborhood and to and from the pool together.  The youngest girls loved the pool most of all and would have spent every waking moment there if they were allowed.  Brandon and Wyatt enjoyed pickleball with Uncle Brian and Auntie Amy.  I loved being out on the water with the littles and riding around the neighborhood chasing my little lighting unicorns.  (I didn't quite realize what a challenge 5 year old twins on bikes could be.  They're fast and they're reckless and they don't abide by the rules of traffic. :)  

DAY 1: Thursday

Everyone is always a little too excited about getting to the pool, especially the first day.  Once we're there it's so much fun but getting 19 kids to the pool is really just NEVER that fun!  Thank you Uncle Brian and Auntie Amy for supervising the first group which was really not suppose to be this large.

Harper and the Unicorns.

DAY 2: Friday
The Park

Big kids kayaking


Fries at the pool are always a huge hit!

Boys playing Super Smash Bros!

At one point the boys came downstairs to let us know that Tommy was owning them all.  He had the best time playing with his big cousins this week.

A walk/ride with Baby Jo. 
Maddie and Aubrey ADORE Baby Jo.

Auntie 'Manda and the girls arrived Friday evening after their church camp.  The twins also adore their new Auntie.  They love her clothes and her glasses and all the fun things she brings for them to play with and pretty much didn't leave her side except to swim.
Silly might be their love language.

Auntie 'Manda and her mini me's. :)

Nobody does fun like Uncle Robert and Auntie Amanda.

DAY 3: Saturday

Wyatt was so great to canoe with me.  Love when these big kids take an interest in helping the littles.  There is something so sweet about it.

About half way in Aubrey decided she wanted to try the paddle board with Cooper.  He was happy to take her which was again so sweet.

Kendra and Tommy

Maddie eventually got brave enough to join them as well.  I was so impressed that Cooper was able to keep his balance with those wiggly little things on board.

Auntie Amanda doing the girls' hair.



Trip #2 on the paddleboards with the big kids.

Duck Bowling

The ants got lots of playtime.

DAY 4: Sunday

Moss Family 
August 10, 2019

August 11, 2024

We've added a few..

We stayed as late as week could to enjoy it as long as we could but alas it was time to head home.
Bye Bye Caldera.  Until next year.

So thankful for this time and this family and the lessons I continue to learn about what is really important. 

Here We Go

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