Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Baby Goats 2024

Baby goats were definitely a highlight of the summer.  The kids waited and waited for their arrival.  Hazel literally fell asleep out in the pasture one day waiting for Princess to have her babies.

Hazel napping out in the grass making sure she doesn't miss anything.

Princess had 4 kids on June 15th.  She had 2 girls and 2 boys which the kids named Anna, Chocolate, Luis, and Bernard.

The twins were not so sure about the birth process.  They rushed out from their bath to watch but pretty quickly were ready to go back inside.  


Sadie and Anna

 4 days later we woke up to Ellies baby girl which Evie named Grace.  

Aubrey and Grace

Ruby went into labor a few hours later while Brandon was at work and it was pretty traumatic.  I'd left the kids down to watch her and thought they had it but the first was born dead and the next we had to help get breathing.  Lets just say I have no aspirations of becoming a vet.  We did save it thanks to a panicked FaceTime call with Uncle Robert but it was so stressful and when it was all said and done the kids said they don't want any more baby goats.  I'm certain they will change their minds but ugh what a morning.  Ruby's kids were both boys and Daddy named them Bill and Ted.

Bill and Ted



Bernard and Anna

Chocolate and Luis

The twins love Baby Chocolate.  We started bottle feeding her a few days in and they just think she's the best.

Maddie and Luis

Evie and Grace

Sadie and Anna

Cooper and Bernard

Evie and Luis

Thankfully the kids keep a pretty close eye on the babies and noticed right away when this little guy was missing.  It took us a little while but eventually we found him stuck in the burn pile.
Oh Bill!

Luis and Bernard

July 2nd Everly had her kids a girl and a boy named Bambie and Wesley and then sometime over the weekend of the 5th while we were away Pepper finally had hers, 2 boys Easton and Rogan.

Maddie and Luis

Aubrey and Anna

Cooper and Luis


Cooper and Anna

Maddie and Bambie

Saying goodbye to the goaties before leaving for our trip to Caldera.
Aubrey and Bambie

Maddie and Chocolate

Wyatt and Chocolate

Evie and Bernard

Hazel and Bambie

Wyatt and Bill and Ted

Cooper and Luis

Sadie and Wesley

Wyatt and Wesley

Hazel and Anna

Evie and Grace

Maddie and Bambie

Feeding Chocolate

These are by far the tamest goats we've ever raised.  They've gotten a ton of love this summer and we're going to have some very sad kiddos when it's time to send them to their new homes in a couple of weeks.

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