Friday, August 23, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 74-77 & Pacific City

July 27, 2024

Week 74-77 :We moved outside as this seems a priority with fall just around the corner.  Brandon worked on the soffit board and siding.

Took these two little gutter snipes out to shop for backpacks this week.  I can't believe how big they are getting.  Its insane to think they'll be starting Pre-K in just a few short weeks.

Wes rang the bell at Doernbecher and is headed home.  That's crazy.  I think he ended up being hospitalized for 3 and a half weeks even though they'd prepared him for at least 6.  He still has such a long journey a head but this is a MAJOR milestone and we're so excited and thankful to see him doing so well.

This is what school supply shopping looks like for 7.  Two enormous Target boxes and $300 later and we have most of the "school supplies" they'll need to start the year.  Insanity I tell you!!!  I still need to take them out for new shoes and a few of them for clothes.

August 3, 2024
This weekend Brandon continued working outside plugging away at the soffit board and a million other little things.  Its moving slow but we will get there.  One thing at a time.

Little Mommas

A quick trip to Costco before youth group with a hangry little Maddie.

I dropped Sadie off for a visit with Wes and took the other kiddos over to the refuge across the street from our house.  The older kids asked if they could walk over on Saturday so Sadie could practice running the mile for volleyball and they really enjoyed it.  Anyway crazy we've not been over there as it's right across the street but it's one of the many things I haven't found time to do so today we did it and it was a lot of fun.  They've done a great job with it and we enjoyed checking it out.

Then the next day after date night Brandon and I drove over and took a walk around as well.  We really have such a beautiful view.

August 10, 2024

We spent this weekend enjoying some time away from our daily grind and the house and sports and all of it in Caldera with the family.  It was crazy but wonderful!

Brandon and I left a day early, on Sunday, with Sadie and twins because on Monday Sadie started volleyball for Crosshill.  This week was camp and next week she starts daily doubles and practice.  Summer is gone just like that and I'm struggling to wrap my mind around it honestly.  Baseball finished on July 21st which means we had 2 weeks at home, 1 week in Caldera, and came home to camp and a boat load of emails about back to school night, and electives, and teachers, and I just want to scream NO!!!!  Absolutely not!!!  Summer has just started!  

And yet somehow it's over...  I've had people tell me that life seems to get busier and move faster with bigger kids and I couldn't quite get my head around how that could be because chasing toddlers was so exhausting, but it really does.  It's a different kind of busy for sure, it's one that's always has me leaving home and it's managing schedules and it's trying to find a time when we can all sit down to eat together, and man it's giving me a run for my money right now.  It's a lot and I'm struggling to figure out what a healthy balance looks like with big kids and little kids who all need different things. 

Anyway, one of the things I was really bummed about was that in all the business we hadn't even made it to the beach once.  The kids love the beach and the beach was one of those things that I'd thought we could definitely squeeze in even amidst the house and baseball and all the business and yet we kept canceling and postponing as life happened.  Felt like sports stole our entire summer.  Hazel kept asking but things just weren't lining up.  Brandon had taken this Friday off a long time ago, but the weather looked to cool for a beach day early in the week, and once again we thought we might just work on the house even though we knew that was lame.  Still I was super bummed as we were officially out of days to reschedule and I knew Hazel was going to ask any day when we were going to get to go.  Anyway, we were planning on staying home but then at the last minute on Thursday afternoon we checked again and the weather looked better and we decided to do it.  

I can't say enough how thankful I was for this time together just the 9 of us.  One little pause in a summer that literally flew by.  It was a gift!

Pacific City

Climbing up this enormous 240ft sand dune.

Sliding/running down is definitely the fun part.



This turned out to be literally one of the most perfect days we've had at the beach.  Such beautiful weather!!!

Dinner at the Pelican

Rootbeer on tap

Clam Chowder for Coop

And more time in the sand

"Can I say goodbye to the sand?" Aubrey

Next summer I've decided we will make our plans way in advance.  Vacation will be on the calendar before sports schedules come out in the spring and we will make time because otherwise the time will pass us by.  Seasons are changing for us here at the Troyer House.  I can feel it.  We won't be home as much, we won't be all together as much, and that's a bummer but it's also a natural and unavoidable part of kids growing up and parents letting go.  I know this in my head though honestly my heart isn't quite ready. 

August 17, 2024
This weekend Brandon started hanging the siding.  Yay!!! And we got a pretty big thunderstorm and some heavy rain.

On Sunday our Pastor preached from 1 Corinthians.  We're at the very end of the book and Paul is talking about his future plans to visit and he says, "I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits."  We spent some time discussing carrying that attitude of if the Lord permits or Lord willing and the peace that it brings to truly rest in his sovereignty even over the silly stuff like my too full calendar.  It was a very timely reminder.  Hold it loosely.  He has a plan for our days and our kids' days and it's not ultimately up to me to get it all done or to fit it all in.  AND believe it or not I can't mess it up.  What a relief and comfort to this Type A, people pleasing momma. 

Back to School 2024

Another school year is upon us and we're hitting the ground running with volleyball and team dinners and Jr. High and High School camp a...