Friday, March 17, 2023

Goodbye to the Pickle

Brandon purchased this pickup shortly after we moved.  His memory says that when he pulled up in it my response was, "Oh, it's hideous!"  I don't remember saying that but I definitely remember thinking it.  It was old and rusty and we had no place to park it other than right in front of the pasture/our house which was really not my favorite.  However, he assured me it was necessary for hauling wood and I will say it got some good use and we spared our other vehicles a great deal of mud cutting down Christmas trees, and fire wood, and what not.  As if having this beautiful vehicle practically parked on the front lawn for the past 7 years wasn't enough he also named it "The Pickle" which the kids loved and so it stuck.  Anyway, as we prepare for our addition there truly was no place to park it that was out of the way and it was having more an more issues so it was time to send it on it's way.


Our first firewood was from the old oak tree that fell in front of Grammy's house. 

The Pickle's first load of wood.

She hauled hay for the goats.

Gravel for the driveway.

Our back deck.

Lots and lots of wood

And kids.

Tin for the goats shanty.

Working on Grammy's kitchen.

And hauling muddy tired children home after picking out our Christmas tree.

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