Monday, December 21, 2020

There Are 2 of Them!!!!

I'm not sure that we will ever get over the fact that there are TWO of them.  Two is just SO different than one. Random people I meet often ask, "Do twins really feel like twice as much work?"  The answer is, "YES!" 

Twins are definitely twice as much work!  They are also twice as much trouble, twice as much cute, twice as much mess, twice as much fun, twice as many diapers, twice as many tears, and twice as many laughs.

To say we're exhausted feels like an understatement.  However, we obviously wouldn't trade it either.  Twins are so unique and it really is an incredible thing to witness their bond.  There is absolutely NO personal space for these two and never has been.  They share literally everything, space, food, toys, mommy, everything, and it's been interesting to watch and notice as they've gotten older how much they think of and take care of each other.  They know when the other one is upset and will bring a blanket or pacifier and if they're thirsty they will often go and find not one but two waters so that they can bring one back to sis.  

They also really do seem to have their own language.  They only say a handful of real words at this point but man when they get going it's like they really think they're saying something.  At nap time they probably spend an average of 45 minutes playing together before they finally go to sleep.  They throw blankets and bunnies back and forth, they bang sippy cups, they spit water, they jump, and they just laugh and laugh and laugh at each other, and when you come in to get them, if they've already been awake for a little while, they are hilarious because they just jabber and jabber.  They point and tattle on each other and tell you all about their shenanigans.  They think they are hilarious and when they're telling their stories they honestly are.  They're still so little but they definitely love each other and I can't wait to continue to watch their bond grow.




Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

They've recently learned how to climb on chairs and it might be the end of me.  They push them all around the kitchen and suddenly nothing is out of their reach!!!

We've mostly given up already on keeping them off  of the chairs but we did try for a little while.  With twins it's all about survival so we spin the chairs so that the backs are pressed against the table eliminating the chance of tipping them over and we draw the line at pushing them around because of the stove, etc. but standing on them at the table or counter so that they can see what the big kids are doing is fair game.

They've also learned how to undress themselves.  Isn't that neat!  So now most days they don't even get out of their pajamas.  I've resigned to the fact that they have a closet full of cute clothes that are going barely going to wear because I simply don't have the energy to dress these little monsters more than once a day and I'm also not up for two babies without diapers running around my house.

I don't even know what to say about Hazel in this one.  She is such a crazy little nut but the Twinnies seem to love her crazy ways! 

Again this is why they are now stuck in jammies 24/7.

We're letting the girls outside just a little bit.  Most of the time it isn't worth it to me because so much of our yard isn't flat and the girls end up crashing, or wet from the dogs water bowl, or finding some other form of mischief to get into, but once in awhile when Brandon is outside grilling the 10 minutes of happy baby time before one of these things happens is worth it.

They're getting so big and so is Hazel.

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

I must have picked these pumpkins up off the floor at least 100 times.  Decorations at this point are probably not worth my time although they did keep the girls busy for awhile most days and it only resulted in a few falls.  Sooo.... the jury is still out on the pumpkin decorations.

Just NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Seriously they are a couple of goofballs.  Bedtime is one of my favorite times for many reasons but one of them is that for the 15 minutes or so that Brandon and I sit up in their room with them they are just sooo happy rocking and climbing around on their chair. 

They've been trying out throwing fits.  I'll let you know how that goes for them :)

They're also learning to navigate the stairs on their own which is almost more than I can watch, but they seem to be figuring it out and I will be relieved when I don't have to worry about stairs anymore and when we are able to eliminate one more baby gate.  

As mentioned previously twins are twice the mess and twice the laughs.

Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

We wish that they were twice the snuggles but unfortunately for us they are always on the go.  So we just sneak them whenever we can.

Nap Time Shenanigans
Emptying their waters is apparently hilarious.

So is spitting water at each other.

And recently we've escalated to this...
Luckily they REALLY don't like the video monitor and when you talk to them on it they are quick to lay down and hide.  I'm trying to use this sparingly as I'm sure it won't last but the last few weeks I have to use it a couple of times for climbing and a couple of times when it had been like an hour and a half and I knew if they didn't go to sleep soon they were going to be a couple of hot messes when I had to wake them up to go pick the big kids up from school.  Every time it was the same thing, they buried their heads and went right to sleep.

Oh Twinnies!!! Sometimes we honestly wonder why God would give us two but we sure do love you and already you have changed and taught us more than you know.

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