Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fall Fun!

Everything continues to be strange because of COVID and as a result this year there were no class trips to the pumpkin patch.  Some pumpkin patches didn't open at all while others like Greens Bridge, here in Jefferson, were open with limited activities.  I love pumpkin patches but wasn't so sure about taking our crew this year as the twins are fully mobile and just such a handful.  However Brandon was willing to take them and after initially saying "No way, no how!" I decided maybe we should give it a try.  I knew the bigger kids would love it and so last minute we headed to Greens Bridge.  

Incase you're wondering, the twins proved to be just as difficult as I feared but we were still mostly glad we did it.  I keep thinking one of these times were going to do something like this and say to each other afterwards, "Hey that wasn't so bad, they're getting easier!"  This was not that day.  I thought they'd kinda want to stay together in a strange place but nope!  Every time we set them down they headed in 2 different directions, barely looking back, and when they did look back and saw that they were being followed they doubled their speed.  All this added up to a tired Mommy and Daddy and 5 other kids who were barely being supervised on the slides.  Luckily it's a pretty small family place.

The slides are always the highlight.

Dressing them alike continues to be problematic as they are so hard to tell apart.  Sometimes we've got it and other times not so much.  This time between hoods and not always looking straight ahead I honestly couldn't tell you for sure who is who.

We skipped carving pumpkins last year with the babies still being little.  I guess I thought I'd sneak it by the big kids but they've been asking and asking this year.  They were not going to miss out twice and I'm glad!  They're actually getting better and better at it and it's a fun tradition that I'm glad they enjoy.
They boys really wanted to roast the seeds this year and they were really good, especially right out of the oven.

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