Here are a few additional memories that didn't make it into the other posts.
November 19, 2024
This marked 15 years since Dad went to be with Jesus. Still feels hard to say that sometimes cuz we still wish more than anything that he was here making these memories with us. But this world is not our home, this we know, so we press on towards the day when we will see Jesus face to face and be reunited with the ones who have gone before us, a day when there will be no more heartache. But today... today we celebrate the moments we've been given because we know they're fleeting and we do our best to live and love well.
This year, this day was kind of a slow one because we'd just been hit by a bad stomach bug and everyone was still bouncing back. Turns out though that this was just what I needed. It was a day filled with sweet memories as the twins and I made a favorite meal in his memory and packed some of it up to share with Grammy. Often we all get together but this year it was just a nice quiet day.
One year on our way home from a visit to Oregon Dad and Mom were bringing us up to the airport and we decided to stop for dinner. My memory says that there was some discussion as to what we had time for, but in the end we ended up at The Outback with Dad laughing and saying "We've Got Time!" as the waitress slowly got the check and Brandon and I felt just a little bit stressed. Well they dropped us off at PDX and ended up turning right around to pick us back up because turns out we didn't have time. We'd missed the deadline for checking our bags and had to fly out the next day. It was a funny story because Dad wasn't always so laid back about this stuff but he'd learned to let go of a lot of things and he'd always been good at laughing at himself. So ever since we've held this memory fondly and laughed about his easy going "We've Got Time!"
So the meal I often like to make in Dad's memory is the Alice Springs Chicken from The Outback served with bread and Dad's favorite Mr. Pibb which we stock pile whenever we come across it.
Thankful for this great Daddy who loves these little girls more than they'll probably ever know.
Driver's Test
I can't believe we have another driver in the house. I'm terrified of this prospect, though looking forward to the help. Just can't slow time down...
Ya Dad's definitely the one to be teaching her. I'm way to serious and way to nervous. Meanwhile he's offering her points for bikers. I tried to explain to her that he's not explaining the point system accurately because he's saying it as if its a good thing but when you get points on your drivers license you loose it, but I think I'm wasting my breath. These two deserve each other and I'll join back in in a few weeks when they've worked out some of the kinks. That is of course if my Suburban survives.
Preschool Thanksgiving Party
Sadie and Wesley
These two are too much sometimes. Seriously too cute and also seriously what are we doing?!?! Stop growing up already!!!
Black Friday Shopping
I don't really do much Black Friday Shopping anymore but I still love getting out for a few things like my poinsettias and I loved that Sadie wanted to join me this year.
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