Monday, February 24, 2025

Shhh... Nobody tell Cooper he's getting a cat!

Shhh. Nobody tell Cooper he's getting a cat for his birthday!  This was kinda our joke as he knew what he was getting but it's hard for me to give up the surprise factor.  Cooper has been talking about getting a Jackson Chameleon for quite awhile now, a couple years even.  And me not really knowing that a chameleon is any different than any other reptile a gecko or a bearded dragon or whatever led him to believe that once his new room was finished we'd probably let him get one.  Well as we started looking into terrariums and what not I quickly realized that this was going to be a bit of an expense and decided we should really make it a birthday gift.  Except I didn't FULLY know what we were getting into until Brandon went to the reptile store and was told that it would cost $700 just for the chameleon and you can never touch it or it will die!  WELL SHOOT that doesn't sound like the kind of pet I'm up for so we had to break it to Cooper that a chameleon was not in his near future.  He was very disappointed and we felt terrible.  Thankfully he fairly quickly bounced back after talking to some of his buddies and decided he wanted to get a gargoyle gecko.  They're much hardier and they can be handled.  Win! Win!  

So, all this to say he wasn't going to be too surprised when he opened his gift but we still had fun teasing him.

For his birthday he got the terrarium and then he really wanted his buddy Sam, who also loves reptiles, to come with us to pick up his gecko.  He'd already been to Reptopia and had picked out the one he wanted, a little guy with an orange strip which he was going to name Rusty.  

So Saturday afternoon before his party we drove over to the pet store and were initially told to his great disappointment that we couldn't take it home immediately but then they called back and said we could.  It was all a little strange but in the end he brought Rusty home on his birthday just as planned!!


Party Time

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