Week 3 of October included a trip to the pumpkin patch with our Twinkies and their class, Sadie's first high school dance, Wyatt and Cooper attending the Fall retreat with our church and watching our niece Payton get baptized.
EZ Orchard Field Trip
So proud of her backpack bag.
Apple Cider Donuts
Loved having Daddy with us for this field trip.
2024 Barn Dance
Tayden, Zac, Wesley, Sadie and Bella
This also happened to be Day 100 for Wes which means he is officially allowed to attend outdoor gatherings.
Payton's Baptism
Week 4 had us at the Portland Zoo twice, at the last 2 volleyball games of the season, at a harvest party with Grammy's church, picking up Sadie late Friday night after a Corban Volleyball game and end of season party, and it ended with Sadie milk testing at the dairy, pumpkin carving, and youth group on Sunday. Add to this that I left my wallet in Brandon's truck Monday morning which was my only free day to get groceries and this week was quite simply too much.
Portland Zoo Trip #1 with Grammy
Hazel has been begging to go to the zoo. She is such an animal lover. So I pulled her out to join us. The animal she was most looking forward to seeing was the mountain goat and go figure his enclosure was undergoing some last minute maintenance. She was so bummed.
Wherever Maddie goes Dog Dog goes.
Final Volleyball Game of the Season
We lost the first match but won the next 2 and Wes was able to join us.
Trip #2 to the Portland Zoo with Evie's 2nd grade class.
Harvest Party
Week 5: We wrapped up October with our annual Halloween party at the Kaufman's House. This year we went as Despicable Me characters. Unfortunately Sadie had volleyball practice because she got asked to play up with the varsity team for state and apparently that's mandatory. Trumps moms hard work preparing costumes. Booo!!!! She did get to join us for a bit at the end thanks to Uncle Caleb running to school to grab her.
2 Purple Minions
Edith, Margo, and Agnus
These 2 went a little crazy. They got soooo much candy. Not a chance we'll let them eat it all but I think it's become a game to see who can get the most. We actually weighed it this year and the grand total was 34.6 pounds. Cooper was the winner with 10.2 pounds.
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