Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 26 and 27

 August 26, 2023

Week 26 and 27: Roofing: Finished Roofing all but a small section of the upper roof and set trusses for the lower roof.  Also the HVAC company surprised us by rolling in on the first day of school to start their work.

And just like that summer was gone and fall was here.  I'm sure we still have some warm dry weather in our future but out of seemingly nowhere the air cooled and there was rain back on the forecast and we were super thankful to be a week ahead of schedule.  Still, because we had to cut into our existing roof in order to roll trusses it isn't ideal to have rain right now.  So Brandon spent all day Saturday roofing and then took Tuesday and Wednesday off from what he now calls his "day job" to get us dried in as much as possible before the rain rolled in Thursday.

September 2, 2023

Brandon finished the majority of the upper roof and set trusses for the lower roof this weekend.

This week the HVAC guys showed up and began phase 1 of their installation.

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