Monday, September 11, 2023

Last Week of Summer 2023

Funny how summer goes isn't it.  By the end of it the kids literally cannot stop fighting.  They're ALL bored and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is irritating to EVERYONE!!!  The house is a mess and I don't even know where to start and I just keep thinking a couple more days and they'll head back to school and we'll start to gather ourselves again.  Discipline, house cleaning, laundry, electronics, literally everything needs a complete overhaul.  

And yet the minute I drop them all off, I know all to well the house will feel quiet and I'll remember the long days of summer with a reminiscent fondness.  I'll remember long days working on the house together, hours and hours and hours of Legos, late bed times, swimming, grilling on the back porch, and Barbie and Baby games that went on for days.

Routine is needed but its such a dichotomy as Brandon always says.

Building Uncle Caleb's old Kinex tracks with cousins.

Helping Grammy clean up her back yard.

Last youth group of the summer was a color war.  Wyatt LOVED it!!!

Sadie wasn't quite as sure about it's awesomeness.

May got lots and lots of snuggles.

Sadie and Wyatt are in Jr. High together this year.

Cooper is in 5th grade and the 5th and 6th grade portables moved over next to the Jr. High portables this year which is fun.

Hazel and Evie are together in the main building.

Locals Donuts started carrying Blue Silo's milk this week so we had to go and check out the craze.  There's always a line so I've never stopped before but let me tell you, it's worth the wait!!!  The donuts were AMAZING!!!

I'm not sure how deserves who more.  Hazel can be such a crazy little thing and so is this puppy of ours.
She likes to slap May's belly.

Hazel: "Look Mom I'll squeeze her till her eyes pop out!"
Me: "I'm sorry May!"  " I don't know what to tell you."

We stopped in at the grocery store in Jefferson to see and buy some of Blue Silo milk for ourselves.  So proud of my brother's and so excited for them!

Also stopped by Auntie Katies for books and produce.  It's so great living near family!

From Farm to Table

Fresh tomatoes grilled and topped with mozzarella and basil.  Yummy!


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