Saturday, April 29, 2023

Troyer Addition Recap

Troyer Addition Recap

Week 1: Demo

Week 2: Demo and Excavation

Week 3: Retaining Wall

Week 4: Demo Mudroom and Garage

Week 5: Demo Porch and Siding

Week 6: Driveway

Week 7: Roof Tear Off

Week 8: Final Demo

Week 9: Foundation work begins

Week 10: Forms Set

Week 11: Foundation Poured

Week 12: Underfloor framing, rough plumbing and garage slab

Week 13: Sub floor and 1st Walls

Week 14: 1st Floor Framing

Week 15: W.P.I. Company Picnic

Week 16: Finish 1st Floor Framing and Glulams

Week 17: Floor Joists

Week 18: Sub Floor and Septic

Week 19: District Playoffs

Week 20: State Championship and Caldera

Week 21: Standing Walls on 2nd Floor


Week 22: 2nd Floor Walls
Week 23: 2nd Floor Walls

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Troyer Addition Week 6 & 7

April 8, 2023

Week 6 and 7: Roof Tear Off and Driveway


We honestly can't even believe we just tore this roof off.  Even the kids were sad about this one as we just put it on 2 year ago and hauling all the roofing to the dumpster is still fresh in their minds.  At least this time it was nice and cool outside but still :(.

Sunday the rain rolled back in for a VERY wet Easter.  Ugg what a mess.  I'm trying to focus on being thankful for a non leaky roof over my head because this remodel space has quickly turned into a total disaster.

During the week we spent a couple evenings moving blocks again to give Jordan a little more space to work.  He came back Thursday and Friday to work on grading the driveway.  Oh and this was fun... on Monday we got a call from the fire marshal saying that because of our new square footage we're going to need to either add fire sprinklers to the entire house or bury a 16,000 gallon water tank and widen the driveway.  Not sure yet what were going to do but either option is quite a twist. :(

April 15, 2023
This weekend we tore the plywood off the roof and pushed down all the roof rafters.  This was not my favorite week!!!  On Friday after school Evie stepped on a nail, though we've been as diligent as possible about keeping everything cleaned up, and then on Saturday Brandon fell through the "ceiling" while working up in the rafters.  He bruised his back and arm pretty good and scared the rest of us REALLY good.  So thankful that he's okay and walked away with nothing more serious than bruises.

Jordan actually came by first thing Saturday to finish rolling the driveway and the kids got right to playing on it.

Lots of little mommies around here.

And Zoey got some love.  Go figure!!

I think the kids are honestly getting a little bit tired of the demo but they're being good sports and still helping a lot not only with all the hauling but also with the littles.  I had to laugh at dinner when we did best and worst Cooper said, "My best is getting a lot done on the house and my worst is SOOOO MUCH HAULING!"

Saturday evening we didn't finish up and start dinner until 6:00 as we needed to get all the rafters down and plastic put up because the stinkin' rain is coming back.  The kids have become obsessed with the weather and every time they see rain on the forecast, which is daily, Sadie says "go away rain, nobody likes you, suck up into your cloud!"  Oh the drama!!!!  I tell you it abounds in this house.

Another 20 yard dumpster almost full.

We finished cleaning up the last of this on Sunday afternoon before heading to Eugene for Hadley's birthday party and thankfully the plastic held as we got a good deal of wind and rain overnight.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Troyer Addition Week 4 & 5 - SPRING BREAK!

 March 25, 2023

WEEK 4 & 5: Second layer of retaining wall laid, demo of mudroom bathroom and closet, demo of side porch, and washer and dryer moved and hooked back up.

Saturday was spent installing an exterior door to divide our living space from our remodel space and tearing out the flooring and the closet.  

This is our new living space for the next year most likely.  I'm certain we're going to be soooo excited to get our mudroom back but for now we really can't complain.  I think this will work just fine and I'm thankful it's finally Spring.  Although the weather hasn't gotten the memo, the mud really should be decreasing significantly soon.  Just in time for all the shoes that are about to make their way into my kitchen and just in time to put away all the coats that no longer have a place to live in the mudroom.

On Monday Brandon's friend Gary came over to help.  They tore off the side porch and started laying the next section of retaining wall blocks.  Gary also brought over his tractor and moved the blocks closer to where we need them and graded the driveway.

We ended the day with smores and I think we found Cooper's love language :)  That kids not easily excited but he LOVES smores!!!





Gary kindly came back on Tuesday to finish laying the retaining wall blocks in the rain with Brandon.  While they did that the kids and I cut like crazy to get them enough squares of geo grid to keep everything level.

After they laid all the blocks that they had Gary, Brandon, and the boys finished the demo of the mudroom while Sadie and I got haircuts.

We ended the day with dinner out at Abby's, twins and all, which is quite an accomplishment for us.  Perhaps the first time we've ALL tried to sit down at a restaurant ever.

Wednesday we slept in and took things a little slower.  Brandon made a trip to Coastal for animal feed and bedding as well as some lawnmower parts.
The dog literally ate our mower. Tore up the fuel line and disconnected an assortment of wires.  In her defense she was after a mouse but FOR THE LOVE.....WHY?!?!

Then Brandon hooked up my washer and dryer!!!!!!  

And we took a trip over to the farm to launch Cooper's model rocket!

I still can't get over these blue skies.  We literally cannot wait for it to feel more like spring.

Thursday was bathroom demo day.  We invited Wyatt's buddy Cole over and the 2 of them plus Sadie and Cooper demolished our bathroom and the siding on the sides of the garage.  We had one little scare when Wyatt accidently kicked the water valve where the toilet sits and water was spraying everywhere.  I thought they'd hit a pipe in the ceiling because I know very little about this sort of thing and the way it was spraying it looked like was coming out of the fan but we got it turned off.  No damage done :)  

While the boys did that Brandon tore out windows in the garage, did a little more work trying to try to fix the mower which to his dismay still won't start, and began sorting through all the electrical wires to see which ones can be disconnected.

Maddie's not sure about all this demo.

Just cracking himself up.

Friday morning our 2nd dumpster was hauled away and the remaining blocks for our retaining wall were delivered.  Jordan came to backfill so we pretty quickly finished the remaining rows on the wall to get it all up to the level he needed.  Then Brandon dropped the mower off to be fixed and continued working on sorting through the electrical, we made a trip up to Coastal to try and get some meds for our goat Sky, Uncle Robert and Carter came over to treat her for us, and we sold our bathroom vanity.  To Brandon's surprise he says we are actually "on schedule."  

He told me this week that one of his friends told him he's not very good at vacationing.  I'd disagree but I'd also say he definitely doesn't use all or even most of his time off for vacationing.  He works really hard to provide for this family of ours in so many ways and we're sure thankful for him.
Baby chicks at Coastal are always a hit.

The kids have been working on this little pond for quite a few years now.  I feel like every year about this time they're dying to play in the water, even though it's still really cold most days, and so this is where they end up.

Here's a little throw back to a few years ago.  Bahahahah!!!
APRIL 2018

Everyone was pretty excited to find a pair of mallards checking out our pond just a few days later.  Hazel is on a HUGE duck kick.  Daddy said she might be able to get ducks (like in a year or two, not while we're working on this addition) and now it's quite literally the only thing she can think or talk about.

April 1, 2023

Saturday Brandon finished the electrical and then we snuck out to Starbucks for a quick date while the rest of the squad had their T.V./Tablet time.

Not sure what the kids will tell their friends about their spring break but as far as we're concerned it was a good one.  We got a lot done, enjoyed a lot of family time, and we're all to differing degrees ready and not ready to head back to school and our normal rhythms.

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...