Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Few More Fall Photos

 Carter's Pumpkin Patch

We had a lot of fun stopping in at Ryan and Katie's house after school one day and picking out a pumpkin from Carter's garden.  Didn't he do a great job?  We loved the uniquely shaped ones and the white ones especially!!  Such a treat!


We're enjoying the slower days and finding time to do some things that we don't usually get to like baking brownies.

9 People....9 Seats

This is what happens some days when there is no room to space kids out in the car.  Hazel has especially strong feelings about this situation even even when she's in the front seat between Mommy and Daddy.

E is for Elephant Ear

Evie is learning her letters with Grammy just like Hazel did.  Every Monday morning she gets to go over to Grammy's house and they learn a new letter, make a craft, and have a snack that begins with their letter.

She also gets to see her crazy Uncle Robert.

Silly Babies

That's some pretty good bed head Aubrey.

I dress myself!!!!

They can be sneaky little things.

Church Lunch

Nothing is easy with 7 young kids.  It's like herding cats as Brandon likes to say but we're braving more and more outings and the twins are doing better and better.

Burn Pile Day

Last summer we cleaned up our fence line so this fall we had some huge piles to burn.


Zoey doesn't even know what to do with Harper.  Harper loves her Maggie and Zoey and probably any other dog that will let her love on them.  She's just the cutest!

Meet Bailey

We got to meet my cousin Michaelah's little girl Bailey when they were in Oregon this fall.


Bedtimes can be hard as it feels like we have to do 3 of them most nights but they're still a sweet time with our little ones.

Never a Dull Moment

We joke about it but there's really never a dull moment around here.  There's always something that needs to be done or someone who needs something or needs to be taken somewhere.  Maybe everyone feels like this but man life sure feels full these days.
The fridge we've had since we bought our first house 12 years ago died and leaked on the floor leaving Brandon with the unwanted project of replacing flooring and a piece of cabinet paneling. :(

Grilling on the back porch has become a favorite weekly rhythm.  The babies usually end up joining us  which most of the time we don't mind.

I'm constantly trying to remind myself to slow down and just enjoy these moments with my babies.  Even the fussy grumpy ones are more palatable when we remember that babies don't keep.  Soon they'll grow up but for now we spend lots of time holding fussy toddlers when they'll let us.

Trimming Hooves

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