Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Troyer Twin Shenanigans

It's obviously been way to long since I've done a Troyer Twin post as these are over a year old already but it's time to get caught back up and I wanted to get these on here anyway.  So here are a bunch of the random photos and videos of these 2 that didn't find their way onto another post.  

December 2020
The girls and Mommy are always pretty excited when Daddy gets home.

Bath time is a 2 person job.  Well technically most things with twins are a 2 person jobs although we figure out how to make it work with 1 quite a bit.

Dinner Time
They're soooo helpful!

January 2021
They're jabbering so much and their pigtails are literally my favorite thing!!!!

February 2021

March 2021
These girls are such good sleepers and I am so thankful!!!

April 2021


I'm telling you they're too funny!


I rarely take these 2 with me to the grocery store because it's just not a good life choice but when I do this is the kind of circus you can expect to run into. :)

May 2021


June 2021
We made this good life choice in June.  Yes that is a bunk bed and 2 cribs, 4 under 6 in the same room.  We felt like it was time for Sadie to get her own room just because of the age difference between her and Hazel.  Sadie has shared with her brothers and Hazel from the very beginning so she was pretty excited although I was a little nevous about how this was going to work.  Thankfully they did better than I expected.  There are nights when there is way to much crazy nonesense happening in this room but they've adjusted for the most part and to my surprise once again the twins are unbelievably flexible on stuff like this.  We come in an hour after we put them to bed to put the girls to bed and we'll tuck the babies back in but they don't give us a hard time and in the morning Hazel and Evie sneak out at 7 and the babies happily stay in their cribs and play until a little after 8.  Again such a blessing that they're such great sleepers. 

Glitter Brain

The relationship between these 2 really is something.

Some days are definitely hard for us.  Two can be tough!

More and more they're becoming big girls.

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