Friday, April 22, 2022

Go Eagles!!!

This is a big year for our family as we are finally entering into the world of sports.  The kids have patiently waited every year asking if they can play, well especially the boys, but with little ones and especially with twins we just haven't felt like it was right for our family.  

Anyway, this year Sadie is in 6th grade and had the opportunity to try out for our schools volleyball team.  She did a camp through school over the summer and then they had such a turn out in August that they ended up holding tryouts for the very first time.  Brought me back to my own volleyball days.  I think I was just as nervous for Sadie as I always was for myself but she did great.  She worked hard and while they had a big team she still got quite a bit of playing time and grew a lot throughout the season.  

One of my favorite parts of this season was seeing the connection Sadie had with her team.  I loved seeing her bond with her teammates, smile when she was around them, and be a part of something outside of our home that she really really enjoyed.  She's growing up way to fast but we couldn't be more proud.

Her very last game of the year ended up being on her birthday.  It was an away game and only drivers were allowed to attend so I quickly turned in my driving application and signed up to drive a carload of girls to the game.  Uncle Robert helped me with this little surprise.

The kids loved cheering Sadie on but lets be honest these little ones don't stay in one place long.  We spent quite a bit of time out on the playground while she played, Brandon and I switching off twin duty. 




Until Next Year....GO EAGLES!!!!

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