Monday, August 31, 2020


So we had puppies and goats due the same day but the goats ended up beating Zoey by about 3 days.

Vanilla was the first to kid and we all rushed out to meet them.  Unfortunately she lost one but she had this enormous healthy boy which Hazel has named Chocolate.

2 days later Baby had her kids.  She had a boy and a girl.  Both black and white like her.

About a week and a half after our first kid was born PeeWee, our youngest goat, had 3 kids.  She had 2 girls and a boy and two were these really cute white and brown ones.

The goats have been getting lots of attention.  On this particular day the kids were playing a game where they picked leaves and fed them to their customers, the goats.

And finally Pepper and Sky had theirs.

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