Saturday, August 29, 2020

Busy Girls

We are always saying these two are busy.  Brandon says they are our busiest and busy really just is an understatement.  These girls are at that age where they are into EVERYTHING and you can't turn your back on them for a second.  They're pretty happy and easy in a lot of ways but they definitely get into trouble quicker than I remember the others.

This is a perfect example.  They love this drawer, just like all of our other children did at their age, and they never tire of playing in it.  We've conceded to this because it gives us 5 minutes of knowing they are safe to make dinner or get the dishes washed but these two can literally empty it in 30 seconds tossing things over their shoulder so that it lands all around the kitchen

Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

Unfortunately for them they've recently been evicted from this location for sitting in the drawer.

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

Wake-up time continues to be my favorite.  They're so happy when they wake up talking and laughing and when Daddy comes in with a beat they even get right to head banging.  I only wish we could find a way to make this happiness last all day.

They can drive these like they stole them especially if a door opens and they think they can escape.
Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

They continue to be good eaters which I am thankful for.  They're down to nursing only about 3 times a day and are willing to eat almost anything we are eating which is great.  Pizza seems to be one of their favorites!
Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

We continue to enjoy watching their crib shenanigans.  Usually it is the blankets and bunnies that are being thrown back and forth but on this particular night they snagged an empty package of wipes off the dresser to play with.

Sadie is such a huge help to me.  She loves the babies and is so great with them and I'm beyond thankful for her and have loved having her at home for these extra months.  God definitely blessed me when he gave me a daughter first.

I've found that rotating through our safe activities is the best way to keep everyone happy.  After breakfast the girls usually play downstairs for a bit and then I load them into the stroller and we go outside to see the animals and water the plants.  When they're tired of that we play outside on the back deck for awhile until it's lunch and nap time.  After naps we have a snack and basically repeat until either Daddy is home or we have to come in to make dinner.



Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

Last but not least.  These girls are really starting to walk.  Maddie had it down about 2 weeks before Aubrey but Aubrey is almost there to.  Now the fun really begins :)

They LOVE to shake their heads!

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