Monday, June 24, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 62-66 A.K.A. Maycember

I laughed when my sister sent me this.  It's so true.  May was a blur.  Maycember is a real thing I tell you.  Geeze!!!

May 4, 2024

Week 62-66: We finished upstairs.  Trim is painted floors are finished.  The only thing really left is to install the closet organizers in the last 2 rooms, touch up some paint in the bathroom, and installing the sinks and toilets.

Baseball games are in full swing.  We had 3 games this week and the Twins celebrated their 5th birthday on Friday with a trip to the Zoo and a party.  This is going to be quite a full Spring.  Brace yourselves!  

This weekend we continued to work on tile in the bathroom, Uncle Ryan came and helped Brandon move our mammoth vanity upstairs to the bathroom, and the girls made snow!  

Happy 5th Birthday Girls!

May 11, 2024

Wyatt played in a double header scrimmage game this Saturday.  We did not attend as we needed to keep moving on on the tile in the upstairs bathroom.  Almost finished!  It was also Mother's Day, I assembled Sadie's new bed so that she could officially move into her new room, and the kids and Brandon weedeated the driveway in preparation for Jordan to come and redo it and widen the base on Monday.

After all the work on the driveway the kids played in the sprinklers.  It was a great Mother's Day moment getting watch them all play TOGETHER.  That seems to happen less and less as their interests change and grow apart some but I always love seeing the bigger kids get out there and play with their little sisters.

Sadie's room is coming along.  We still need to decorate but she's getting all moved in.

Wyatt's Baseball Team

Cooper's Baseball Team

May 18, 2024
This weekend we moved everything out of Sadie's old room and finished the flooring upstairs.  Brandon took Thursday and Friday off so that we could get all of this wrapped up.

Maddie loves delivering the mail on her new bike.

They're also loving their new umbrellas although its kinda the wrong time of year at this point.

While Brandon worked on flooring and the last bit in the bathroom the twins and I assembled the boys' new dresser.

May 25, 2024
We finished the last of the trim paint and the grout in the bathroom.  We also repainted Sadie's old room.  So close to being able to uncover floors!!! 

The boys did a great job of assembling their new basketball hoop.

The twins went birthday shopping with Grammy!

We also finished up another school year!  Sadie and Wyatt actually have a couple more days next week  but we celebrated today because next week is going to be crazy with 8th grade graduation for Sadie and the Swier family reunion in Turner.

June 1, 2024
This weekend we installed the remaining closet shelves in the bathroom and bonus room, Brandon installed blinds, we moved all the tools out, and finally we were able to uncover the floors.  Done except a few small things!!!  It's a good way to start June!

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