Thursday, June 27, 2024

Happy 5th Aubrey and Maddie!

 Happy 5th Birthday Girls!!!

Can't believe this day is already here!  Can't believe we survived it!  Can't believe how hard we've laughed!  Can't believe how exhausted we've been.  We're feeling ALL the feelings of having our twins, our babies, turn 5!

If turning 4 felt like huge milestone, turning 5 feels surreal.  In all seriousness the first years were a blur of tiredness and the next few were a blur of tears and sheer exhaustion.  When these sassy sisters turned 4 it felt like we'd reached a 50:50 balance between completely overwhelmed and feeling somewhat optimistic about our chances of re-entering some sort of normalcy.  As these cuties turn 5 I'm feeling a touch sentimental which I haven't had as many moments to feel as I would have expected with my last babies.  The thing about being number 6 and 7 is that Mommy and Daddy are really, really tired, but also a little more laid back and they realize how truly fleeting it all is.  So it felt like this was the year to go all out and celebrate!!!  If the twinnies want balloons, and the zoo, and a pinata, and unicorns, and rainbows, and make-up, and umbrellas, and cookies, and to wear Easter bunny ears then SURE.  You only turn 5 once so live it up little ones.  The entire day was TOO MUCH but they fell asleep happy and so did I because they're our last and today they turned 5!!!

Birthday Donuts



Birthday Gifts



New big girl car seats!!!

Dutch Bros

The Portland Zoo

Party Time!


They've both got a touch of crazy in them Maddie is quite the pretender and Aubrey is a real character these days.

Cookies By Grammy

This happened the next day because there just wasn't enough time.

May we never forget their little voices or to see life through the eyes of a child every once in awhile.

Happy birthday girls!  We think you're simply hilarious and though you wear us out because you have a million things to say and do EVERY SINGLE DAY we consider it our greatest privilege to watch the two of you grow.  Your relationship is as unique as you are.  Maddie you are perhaps our greatest pretender.  Whether it's taking Dog Dog and Maymer to the grocery store or pretending your a little animal you are full of imagination and creativity.  Aubrey you are quite simply hilarious.  You say the funniest things and make the most hilarious faces to make everyone laugh.  Together you are constantly the center of attention as you swing each other around and talk WAY TO LOUDLY about all the things and point out every cute baby you see.  It's hard to believe you're headed to school in just a few months.  It's going to be happy and sad but I'm so glad you two, our last little ones, get to head off together.  What a truly special and one of a kind experience it is to be an identical twin.  I've noticed recently you starting to want to be your own person and I love that too.  I love that we're getting to see more and more who God has made each of you uniquely to be, but I hope you also always embrace the special bond you've been given as a twin.  We love you guys so much.  You're going to rock being 5 and give us many more stories to tell I just know it.

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