Monday, April 15, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 55-56

March 16, 2024

Week 55-56: Flooring

This weekend we finished the hardwood flooring in the main space upstairs and are getting ready to set doors and finish up the trim over spring break.

Cole spent the night Friday night and Robert and Amanda made my day by swinging in after dinner so we kept Lily for the night too.  Every year the kids get out in the mud down in the pasture and work on building their "dam."  Quite often Cole is a part of these shenanigans and this year I couldn't help but take a minute to watch them all out there.  Sadie on down out there together.  I know one of these years soon will be the last for this or at least the last time they ALL go down.  More and more the "Bigs" feel big while the little girls are still so little and immersed in all kinds of pretend games and their own shenanigans.  They really do grow up too fast.  But for today I'm thankful for them all being out enjoying this beautiful day together with a good friend and a new cousin.

After a fun go hard day on Saturday Wyatt didn't get out of bed Sunday.  He ran a high fever and has now missed 3 days of school.  Maddie seems to have the same thing and we are praying hard for protection over the rest of us as this weekend we are celebrating Robert and Amanda's Wedding.
I think I've covered all my bases.  Now all I can do is pray!!!

Thursday:  All pressed and ready for the weekend.  Today we spent the morning helping decorate for the reception.  Then it was home for an hour or so and off to school to pick up the kids and get them ready for the rehearsal.  

This one might steal our hearts and the show tomorrow.  
A little Robert if I ever saw one.

Friday:  Congratulations to Robert and Amanda!!!!

March 23, 2024

Not much happened over the weekend with all the exciting celebrations going on but we ended up at home on Sunday so we did hang a few doors.  Aubrey came down with whatever we had Thursday night but was a trooper and made it through Friday and Saturday like a champ.  Sadie started coming down with it Sunday which is why we thought it was best to lay low and catch up on some sleep and stop spreading whatever bug we have which were thankful isn't the same bug that a bunch of other people had. 

Brandon took Monday and Tuesday off and we worked on finishing up the doors and trim.  Wednesday I spent a lot of the day filling and sanding holes and getting the floors covered in preparation for final paint.  One bite at a time it's slowly coming together.

Apparently they think we've been working all this time to build them a giant Barbie house. :)

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