Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 49-51

 February 3, 2024

Week 49-51: Painting trim and trimming windows.

This part of the project is as slow as one would expect.  It feels like were so close and yet all the finishes take SOOOOOO long.  This weekend Brandon painted and painted and painted trim.  So fun!!! 

Since there are no fun house photos to post here are some silly twin moments and some photos to remind us how much we love this place.

Such a beautiful sunset thought the pictures never do it justice.

So much beauty here.

Apparently when you're 4 you take bad photos on purpose.  Cracking me up!!!  These two are hilarious!



Oh and also it was dress up day this week.  Any guesses which of my 5 were ALL in for Neon Day???

NOT Sadie


AND the WINNERS are...



And the always up for a good time Wyatt!

Oh and we've been buying and returning dresses from Amazon like it's going out of business but I think we've finally got a winner.

AND May.  Always a pain and also very sweet.

February 10, 2024
This weekend we celebrated Hazel's birthday, Robert and Amanda's upcoming wedding, and Super Bowl.  It was an insanely busy weekend, but fun to celebrate so many exciting things.  As far as the house goes... Brandon worked Saturday to get some of our upstairs windows trimmed.  

Then we rolled into the week which was filled with Valentine's Day parties, Hazel's actual birthday, and preparing for our trip to Caldera with our friends the Wallace's.
Flowers for their favorite person, Grammy!

A new name tag for May.

Evie's Class Party

Hazel's Class Party

February 17, 2024
We spent the weekend in the snow at the Moss Stone Retreat in Caldera Springs with long time friends the Wallace's.  Such a blessing!  Then we came home to ortho appointments, Grammy's birthday, and the delivery of our upstairs vanity which was a complete and total fiasco.  Uggg!  
Getting up the driveway was a fiasco as always.

It weighs 500lbs and they only sent one guy to unload it.
Fiasco #2!!!
We did finally get it off the truck and into the garage but now we still have to carry it upstairs.  
Isn't remodeling fun!

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