Our ever sweet and a little bit clumsy Evie Rose turned 6 this month. Evie has grown so much this year. She asserts her opinions a little more often than she use to. However, she is still one of our most easy going kids. She loves breakfast, sweets, Barbies, crafts, friends, school, P.E., and generally being silly. Today when a friends mom asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up she shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know, a pig?" SILLY!!! Evie learned to ride her bike this year. She also learned to read and write her letters and her favorite parts of the day is sharing our bests and worsts at dinner and her story and video time with Daddy at the end of the day. We are so thankful for the sweetness that Evie brings into our lives.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Happy Birthday Evie
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Halloween 2022
Usually I enjoy figuring out costumes and a theme for the kids but this year it all just felt really, really overwhelming. I think part of it was that I put more time into Sadie's 13th birthday than I usually do so I kinda got behind, but it was also because it's still really hard to get out with the twins. Few outings are worth it and Halloween costumes always seem to take multiple trips to Goodwill and the dollar store not to mention the time it takes to put them together and none of that felt doable.
Unfortunately I also went on a cleaning spree this summer and got rid of most of our costumes. GREAT TIMING. :) Anyway the kids were pretty good sports about it all. The 4 little girls picked from the costumes left in our dress-up box, Sadie was a cat, Wyatt wore his baseball uniform, and on our one trip to Goodwill Cooper actually found some football pads. So I ordered him some pants and he wore his Beavers jersey. It was definitely the least amount of work we've ever done and honestly it was kinda nice. I'm undecided as to whether or not I'll be going back to matching.
Funny that although we didn't spend much time on the costumes I actually did take time to take the pictures I've forgotten to take the last 2 or 3 years. Go figure!
Monday, November 14, 2022
Pumpkin Carving
Friday, November 11, 2022
To Mark the First Hearthfire of the Season
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Pumpkin Patchin'
We were so excited to hear that field trips are back on again. FINALLY!!! Both Hazel and Evie were able to attend a field trip with their class to the pumpkin patch and then our family took our annual trip to Greens Bridge.
Evie's Field Trip to EZ Orchards
Family Photos and a Christmas Tree
This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with. Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...
This kid turned 11!!!! Aside from the mop on his head which he can't decided what he wants to do with Cooper continues to be an easy go...
October 5, 2024 Week 84: Exterior Paint PAINT!!!! Don, Ande and Noah came out to help us paint the house. We are unbelievably thankful fo...
June 3, 2023 Week 14: 1st floor framing SATURDAY Brandon gave us a all a little run down on framing to start the morning. We learned what s...