Monday, April 5, 2021

Puppies - Week 1-3


We really thought Zoey was going into labor on Friday night so Robert came over and we watched her for awhile but nothing was really happening.  So against Daddy's better judgement Mommy told the kids they could sleep in the mudroom and keep an eye on her in the spirit of making memories.  We set up the babies video monitor so that I could check on them from my room and Robert could check in on them from his house and we all went to bed.  Needless to say no one slept great, not Mommy or Robert because we kept checking on what was happening, not the kids because they were sleeping on the floor and on beanbags, and not poor Zoey because she didn't know what in the world was going on.  Opps!  Sorry Zoey!!! Sorry Daddy!!!

Friday, March 12th

The next afternoon she really did go into labor.  Robert had some things going on so he came back and forth throughout the afternoon and early evening while she had her first couple of puppies and then he came around 7 to stay and help us deliver the rest of the puppies.

Saturday, March 13th

Around 10:30 Brandon and I finally went to bed.  We thought she was pretty much done.  She'd had 6 puppies and Robert had guessed 5 so we were pretty happy with that but Robert said he'd just stay and keep an eye on her for a little while longer.  Imagine or surprise the next morning when we wake up and he was still there.  Brandon got up before me but when I woke up I checked the camera and had to look twice because it looked like Brandon and Robert had just delivered another puppy.  I came down to find out that she'd had 3 more puppies.  She had stalled out after the first 6 and Robert had spent all night with her.  He had bought her ice cream, and had given her tums, and had called a vet friend, and had finally given her Pitocin as a last ditch effort before taking her in for a c-section.  Leave it to Robert to save the day when it comes to animals.  We would have gone to bed for sure not knowing that she was in any kind of trouble.

Anyway, so once again we are so thankful for Robert's expertise and assistance with whelping our puppies.

We ended up loosing one little guy "bucket" and having to supplement our runt Senorita Tortuga but all in all they are a health bunch and Zoey did a great job with this her 3rd and final litter of puppies, and the kids are ALL so excited to have puppies again!!!

Day 3
The puppies got their collars and the kids each picked their favorite as has become our tradition.

Day 10

Aubrey and Nugget

Maddie wasn't quite so sure.

Evie and Nana

Hazel and Pinkie

Cooper with Anaranjado and Seniorita Tortuga

Wyatt and Pickles

Sadie with Bluey and Sugar

We've got quite a squad anymore :)

Miss Maddie is warming up to the puppies.

Just a pile of puppies.



She's a good momma.  Always close by which is definitely not her norm.

Wyatt is in puppy heaven.  He loves to snuggle the puppies right after we clean their box.

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