Saturday, April 3, 2021

Kendra is due with her 2nd, Hadley, in just a couple of weeks and I had so much fun throwing this little shower for her with the help of Mom, Amy, and Katie.  I'll always remember Courtney saying every baby deserves a celebration and I agree.  It's so fun to celebrate with the ones we care about and Kendra has become not only a sister but such a sweet friend to me in the past couple of years.  10 years use to feel like a HUGE age difference and I NEVER would have imagined that we'd be having kids at the same time but I found out I was pregnant with the twins just before she found out she was pregnant with Tommy and it was so fun getting to be pregnant together and having little ones just 4 months apart.  This time she's on her own with the whole being pregnant thing but I'm so excited to celebrate with her and to welcome Hadley to their family and to ours!!!

We love you Kendra and can't wait to meet you Miss Hadley!!!

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