Sunday, January 10, 2021

Happy 8th Birthday Cooper

Happy Birthday Cooper!  
Cooper is the kid that Daddy says is a double threat.  He's smart, like book smart, and he's also very quick witted.  He's quiet but is known to jump in at just the right moment with something hilarious.  Sometimes I forget how funny he is because he's a pretty quiet, easy going kid for the most part.  He doesn't cause much trouble, doesn't ask for much attention, doesn't seem to have anything to prove, and doesn't often feel the need to be in charge, but man when you stop to talk with him or even just watch him you realize that this kid is amazing and is going to do something great.  In fact he got the leadership award out of all the kids in his class last year.  He's kind and smart and observant.  He's a good sport and friend and student and brother.  He's sweet but oh so very silly, and if you catch him for a hug you can consider it your lucky day.  We sure do love everything about you Cooper and are so glad you're a part of our family!

Coopers 1st Jersey
Seahawks Russel Wilson

Cooper is working hard at becoming our families biggest football fan.  I took him out to lunch and then Dutch Brothers and while we ate in the car we watched some football highlights on my phone and it is impressive what he's learned in just one season.  He remembers scores and positions and plays and wins and losses.  I was seriously amazing and what he's already learned and what he remembers from watching games and of course from asking Alexa!
We may have sent him to bed one night before a game was over and heard him trying to get play by plays from Alexa in his room.  I'm telling you, he's quiet but he's a crack up!

The Seahawks played the Eagles on his birthday night.  So we celebrated with bacon cheeseburgers, cake, and the game.

I asked Brandon to send me a couple of funny videos to show what we mean when we say this kid is hilarious and in literally a minute he pulled up all 5 of these favorites.  Cooper really has been such a silly kid from the very beginning.

Oh how we miss this chubby little goofball.  Never loose your sense of humor Piddles!

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