Monday, January 18, 2021

Adventures of a Troyer Twin

I've said it before but these two are busy, busy, busy!  Don't take your eye off of them for a second and be prepared for lots of tumbles and very few cuddles.  They have places to go, things to do, and people to see.

They want nothing more than to be a part of WHATEVER the bigger kids are doing.

They've gotten a little bit of goat time over the past couple of weeks.  They like it for the most part although it can be a little overwhelming.


They really do crack each other up.

They're also known to get a bit carried away once in awhile.

On this particular day they opened and emptied an entire box of mac and cheese while I wasn't watching.  I figured they might as well enjoy playing with it once it was opened so I scooped it up and poured it on their trays where they proceeded to make a HUGE mess.

Up on the kitchen chairs continues to be their favorite spot.

They don't want to cuddle but they do want to be in your business every chance they get.


They love to be in Zoey's business too!  They are still up to their dog bed stealing shenanigans and Zoey STILL doesn't know what to do about it.

They're not entirely to blame for how crazy they are.  They do have A LOT of older siblings who love to make them crazy.

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