Monday, March 10, 2025

Wyatt's 14th Birthday

Happy Birthday Wyatt

We decided to change up the birthday routine after the kids turn 13. Before that we always do a family birthday with all the cousins which is quite a group but it's a lot of birthdays for the family and the kids often want friends which I usually say no to.  So we kind of decided to make a change and after 13 we decided year to year what they want to do.  This year Wyatt requested to have 3 friends from youth group over (Charger, Titus, and Linden) to play airsoft out in the pasture and sleep over since his birthday was on a Thursday and there happened to be no school on Friday.  So that is what we did.

Opening his new airsoft gun.

Cooper also purchased one so that he could join in the fun.

Safety First!

Night Games

Boys being boys.  Funny how they grow and you can look at them one minute and be so sad that they're taller than you and growing up so fast and then the next minute be rolling your eyes and laughing at how completely ridiculous they still are.  Boys really are so fun!

Happy Birthday Wyatt!!!  So proud of the young man you are becoming.  You love the Lord and your friends and your family.  You continue to carry a kind and compassionate heart and we just couldn't love you more!

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Wyatt's 14th Birthday

Happy Birthday Wyatt We decided to change up the birthday routine after the kids turn 13. Before that we always do a family birthday with al...