Friday, March 7, 2025

Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

Christmas this year was a little quieter as everyone was fighting illness which has been kinda bad this year.  Grandma was thankfully feeling well enough to come over from breakfast and to open gifts but we didn't all get together in the evening as is our usual tradition.  My feelings on this were mixed.  It did feel like something was missing not seeing everyone but at the same time it was wonderful just getting to enjoy the kids and not having to rush around at all.  We opened gifts, assembled furniture and toys, and just enjoyed the afternoon together which felt so much nicer than rallying to get everyone rounded up and out the door.  

Sadie wants to learn how to play the guitar.

Hazel and Evie's Barbie dream house didn't survive the remodel so we purchased a new one for the twins.  

The big surprise this year was a trip to Disneyland booked for end of January!!!

Christmas at Grammys

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

December 2024

December 1st 

Everyone is always excited to kick off the Christmas season with our annual hot chocolate party, first Advent reading, and first gift.

December 9-10

We started birthday celebrations with a birthday eve gift because as parents even our birthdays don't seem to belong solely to us.  Tomorrow Hazel and Evie are cheering at their 1st of 3 basketball games which Brandon graciously agreed to attend on his birthday. 

We hid cards around the house so that Daddy could find them in the morning.  Some were more sneaky than others.  Hazel picked May's food bin.

I finally got Brandon on board with a freebee.  Free Starbucks on your birthday!!!  Although you should always order the largest size you can to get the most bang for your buck ;)  He still has a few things to learn evidently.

Here we go Eagles!!!

Cheer may have pushed us to the limit this evening as the first game went really late pushing our game much later than I'd expected and I hadn't fed anyone because I still wanted to have Brandon's birthday dinner at home.  One of these days I'll realize you can't have it all but I just keep trying.

We sure do love you!  Can't imagine anyone else loving all of us the way you do and we are so so very thankful for your determination and dedication.  Thank you for giving your all to provide for us and care for each of us whether that be twinkie snuggles or making our teenager laugh or helping the boys with baseball or settling the Nut or seeking out Evie or encouraging me... you mean EVERYTHING to us!!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

It seems often hard to please this one these days but the wood stove she LOVES!!!

December 16th

Christmas Spirit

When you get fluffy Christmas socks from your teacher you wear them ALL THE TIME!

So much Christmas baking!!!

So much gift wrapping!

December 20th

Preschool Christmas Party



December 22nd

Christmas Stockings

We don't do stockings the traditional way.  The way my mom did them was we opened one little gift each day as we counted down until Christmas.  So that's the way we do them.  Most days its just a little piece of candy but every couple of days I mix in some other fun little thing.  Last year I bought these Christmas lego sets on Temu which were a bit maddening because the pieces were so small and the instructions very confusing, but we did eventually get them built and the kids loved it and said it was one of their favorite things last Christmas.  So I found some more to add to our collection this year. 

If I can find something all 7 kids are excited about doing I'm all in!!!

December 23rd

A Surprise Gift for Daddy

This year we came up with idea of doing something for Daddy that he hasn't had time to get around to.  Brandon LOVES his goats and they've been needing their shed mucked out for awhile so the kids and I ran to Coastal, bought straw, and the big 3 mucked it out and spread some nice cleaning bedding for them.

These girls entertained the goats while Sadie, Wyatt, and Cooper worked.

Sadie and Anna

Happy Goats

Monday, March 3, 2025

No Ordinary White Elephant Gift

This was epic!!!  On the way home from youth group a few weeks ago the kids mentioned that they were having a white elephant gift exchange and Brandon suggested they bring our rooster.  The kids were all in immediately, me not so much, but it was funny to think about.  There were no rules specifically stating that the gift could not be alive so we ended up landing on they could bring it IF Wyatt could catch it and IF Brandon stayed nearby to assist when the rooster inevitably got loose in the church.  

A few days before this was all to happen we found ourself at Goodwill purchasing gifts for the other kids to give and Wyatt found a collar and asked if he could put it on "Frank" the rooster.  I said sure so we bought a collar with a bell and a leash and that night Wyatt went out and caught it and put the collar on it.  I was going to video tape it but he did it so fast.  I couldn't believe the rooster didn't go crazy as it's never been handled before but what do I know.

Day of the gift exchange came and I had wrapped a box, all but one side, poked some holes in it, and the boys went out, caught Frank, and stuffed him in the box.  Apparently I underestimated the kids and overestimated the rooster because the crazy bird let us drop him in the box and barely made a peep. 

Catching Frank

Wrapping Frank

Wyatt carried the box to church, set it in the pile of gifts, and it didn't alert anyone to the fact that it was a rooster until the girl who choose it picked it up and he shifted in the box.  At this point the kids say she said she'd changed her mind but was told she had chosen it and had to open it.  

She did and gave out a little scream but then the crazy bird just sat there in the box while Jr. High girls petted him and brought him water and while he was stolen 3 times and eventually actually went home with someone.  I still laugh thinking about the whole thing.  Brandon is so proud as they will now be adding rules to the gift exchange for all future years, Wyatt is so proud as his gift will remain unmatched, I'm so happy to be rid of our rooster, and Frank should be so happy to be alive as his days were numbered here.  

Sadie says she isn't sure if everyone understood that it was a rooster and not a hen but hey we did what we could.  Hillarious!!!!

Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024 Christmas this year was a little quieter as everyone was fighting illness which has been kinda bad this year.  Grandma was th...