Monday, September 9, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 78-79

 August 24, 2024

Week 78-79: Siding and our first work injury.

Sunday Sadie worked in the Red Barn with her volleyball team.

Hannah, Bella, Zoe, Sailor, and Sadie

We've been plugging away on the siding a little bit every night and were really hoping to have the front of the house done heading into the long Labor Day weekend.  However, we were reminded again that while the heart of man plans his way, the LORD establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday night I dropped Sadie off to hang out with Wes for a bit and hurried back to help with the house.  I'd power washed the front of the house the day before and we were working on cocking around the siding and windows while Brandon hung siding and the rest of the kiddos played.   It was almost bedtime.  The little girls had just been sent into the house to get their jammies on when Brandon misfired his siding gun and the nail ended up in his knuckle.  OUCH!!!!!

So frustrating (mainly to Brandon) and yet were thankful that of all the injuries that could happen while working on a project as large as this addition this is what we're dealing with.  

Brandon and I headed straight to the E.R. while Grammy headed over to put kids to bed and get everyone settled.  Thankful she lives so close once again.

We spent the next 6 hours in the E.R., 2 1/2 in the waiting room and 4 1/2 more having the nail pulled out and follow up x-rays done.  Uggg!

Wes made us cobbler and he and Anna brought it over the next night.
Very thoughtful of them.

Thursday was back to school night.  Can't believe the summer is over just like that and can't believe all 7 of our kids will be at school together this year.  Not quite sure how I feel about all these kids growing up.  So many changes.  What I do know was it was good to be back on campus.  We truly love our Crosshill community and the twins are soooooo excited to start their journey in Mrs. Metzger's class.

Thanks big kids for humoring us :)

August 31, 2024

We said goodbye to all 7 of our baby boy goats on Sunday!  So sad but really fun that they all get to go to the same home.  Brother's forever!!!

One of my favorite things about having baby goats is that all of the kids seem to genuinely enjoy them and they actually ask to have pictures taken of themselves.  I get some of the most genuine smiles when goats are involved.

A photo from our girls in their new home.
Grace, Bambie, and Chocolate

And we ended the summer with smores!

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