Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 52-54

February 24, 2024

Week 52-54: Slow and steady work on trim and hard wood flooring!!!!

This weekend Brandon started trimming out the windows and closets in the new upstairs space.

March 2, 2024

This weekend Brandon continued trimming out windows and closets building the last few headers.  Then it was lots more painting as he began prepping the baseboards.

March 9, 2024

This was an insanely busy week which included an evening of volleyball in the barn for Sadie, a bridal shower, a new bible study, batting practice for the boys, a trip to Prineville for Brandon, a meeting at school for a kiddo, cleaners, a haircut for Cooper, playdates for both boys, a bachelor party, a cousin sleep over, a birthday party, selling goats, laying some flooring, and youth group.  We Are Tired!  This many activities in a week is definitely not our jam. 

Robert's Bachelor Party!!!!

Monday, March 11, 2024

Caldera with the Wallace Family

Day 1: There was lots of snow on the ground as we drove up to Caldera.  We were a little worried about the drive with Andrea having to rent a car and driving up without Dave, but it all worked out alright.  She was able to rent a Suburban and bought chains which she ended up being able to return, and we were just so thankful everyone arrived safely and for this chance to experience Caldera in the snow.

We checked in Friday afternoon and after getting settled and starting dinner Brandon drove out to Redmond to pick Dave up from the airport.  While he did that the kids enjoyed the hot tub in the snow.  They were a hoot jumping in and out daring each other to lay in the snow for 10 seconds.  They were all beyond excited about the snow and the hot tub.

Day 2:  The kids spent lots of time in the snow.  Amazingly I had enough boots to cover all 12 children.  The pair Joshua had were a little tight so they ended up grabbing a pair in town but still that's pretty good.

We also took the kids over to the pool in Sun River.  It was hard to figure out how to dress for such an occasion but luckily the kids didn't really care.

This was the time Brandon almost tried to kick down a door because we couldn't find Aubrey.  Her door was locked but she wasn't answering.  Thankfully Dave found a key on top of a door just in time and as suspected she was sound asleep.

The hot tub shenanigans escalated day 2 to doing pushups in the snow, shaking snow off the tree onto themselves, and running circles around the tree.

Brrrr.  Joshua.  Brrr!!!!

Day 3:  We enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood as the sun came out and it warmed up just a touch.  We also explored the park and the kids enticed the dads into a snowball fight and building a snowman which was fun.  Then in the afternoon it was back tot he pool.

Day 4: It was a quick trip but we were so thankful for this time with our dear friends.  It was great to see the kids reconnect so seamlessly and to add more memories to this more than a decade old friendship.  There's nothing quite like time with old friends.

Georgia, Sadie, Wyatt, Titus, Cooper, and Joshua
Charlotte, Aubrey, Eli, Evie, Maddie, and Hazel

Friday, March 8, 2024

Happy Birthday Hazel!

Miss Hazel turned 9 this month and she was very specific as to what kind of cake she wanted.  It needed to be a puppy cake, but not a cake with puppies on it, a cake in the shape of a puppy.  I think it turned out pretty cute although it took FOREVER!  

She also REALLY, REALLY wanted to invite friends.  We typically just celebrate with family because we have a big family and honestly the addition of friends is typically more than this mommy can handle, but this year it worked out.  Sadie and Wyatt stayed at school to watch a basketball game which gave me a couple of extra seats for friends.  It was as wild and loud as one would expect with 6 little girls in the house, but I think they all had fun and Hazel definitely felt special and celebrated.

Everly and Hazel

Ainsley and Hazel

Ainsley, Hazel, Evie, and Everly

I've been pretty good at keeping the kids out of the mud at the past couple of parties but a few of them snuck out this time and by the time I realized it the damage had been done.  Lets just say we had some pretty muddy kids and some pretty muddy shoes.  Sorry parents!!!!

Monday was Hazel's Birthday 
She was pretty excited about her new watch and camera which she's been asking and asking for.

Dutch Brother Birthday Smoothie!

And Evie got hers cuz I forgot to go on her birthday and I haven't heard the end of it since she remembered a few weeks ago.

Hazel also had a plan for her class birthday.  She wanted Grammy to make her puppy cookies.
They turned out sooooo cute!!!

See they like each other.  Sadie kindly got Hazel some birthday candy!

I don't know if you love anything in the world more than May right now and you know we love you because without you there is NO CHANCE I would have agreed to let this crazy puppy spend so much time in our house. :)

And for her birthday dinner it was chocolate chip cookies and ice cream.

Happy Birthday Hazel,
You've grown up a lot this year.  You're still wild and crazy but you are also increasingly becoming more self controlled and responsible.  You continue to work hard at school, even though it's not easy, and we admire your tenacity to keep going when things are tough.  You never give up and that's going to take you so far in life.  You're a good friend, you're fun to be around, and you're always ready for an adventure.  You also keep your little sisters moving and pretending and playing whenever you are with them which is awesome.  They look to you for ideas and fun and you always deliver.  You've been such a big help as we've been working on the house this year.  
Daddy has taken to calling you his honey badger the past couple of years and he tried to explain it to you this year but you were to preoccupied with dessert to hear it.  A honey badger is a pretty incredible creature.  

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica honey badgers have the well-earned reputation of being fierce, feisty little mammals. Also known as a ratel, the honey badger belongs to the Mustelidae family of mammals, which also includes weasels, otters, ferrets, wolverines and other badger species. However, the honey badger is classified in its own subfamily, mellivorinae, and is the ONLY species in the genus Mellivora.  So basically daddy is saying you're one of a kind, small but mighty, and oh so feisty.

The honey badger not very big but it's been known to take down lions, venomous snakes, rhinos, and an assortment of other animals you'd never think it would stand a chance against.  Basically they're a force to be reckoned with as are you.  You wont always like how much energy and fight you possess but someday we pray that you see it as it as the gift it is and and wield it as a force for change and most importantly for the kingdom of God.

We love you Hazelnut!

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...