Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 30-32

September 23, 2023

To say we're getting tired may be an understatement.  It feels like were at the point in this project where we're done and yet obviously we're not even close to done.  In fact it's time to push hard because the rain is coming and we're not dried in yet.  This feels really daunting!  It feels like it's what we've been doing for the past 6 months and now here we are at the end of September, everyone has had colds on and off, subs aren't getting back to us as I'm sure all of their projects are needing attention, we're feeling guilty for the amount of time this taking from the kids, and our new puppy keeps getting into something outside, we're guessing fallen fruit, and then waking us up multiple times a night to go out.  Uggh!  Tired!!  So, so tired!!!  We will get it done we know and we will be all that much more excited when we do, but right now we are tired!

Week 30-32:  Weather barrier, windows, gravel, and back patio.

We started weather barrier this week, found a mistake, removed weather barrier to fix the mistake, and then tried again.  Isn't that fun.

Setting our first window before the first good rain storm of the fall.

Good thing May is cute!

September 30, 2023

Last week gave us a good idea of just how much mud we are going to have to contend with if we don't get some more gravel down and our driveway poured.  So there you go.  There's some motivation to push on.  This weekend Brandon worked on framing the back patio while the kids and I got some gravel down.

We also found out a few weeks ago that in order to have our fire sprinklers installed which is a fiasco in and of itself we first needed to have the insulation removed from the existing attic space.  So we got that taken care of this week and I'm hoping we're going to love having all new insulation when were finished.

This week Great-Grandpa moved into a retirement home.  Change is really, really hard, especially the kind that is a necessity rather than a desired change.  I honestly hated seeing him there but it was time as he's needing more and more daily assistance.  We're praying hard that he will adjust quickly and that he won't feel lonely or forgotten about.  Luckily he has a lot of family around and we're all committed to visiting and helping him to feel more and more at home.  

On Monday the twins and I and Grammy went down and had lunch with him.  The twins were a BIG hit with all the elderly ladies and they loved it and can't wait to go back and see him again soon.

Jordan also came back this week and finished up a few things including removing the concrete around the front door and prepping for the driveway and sidewalk to the front entry to be poured.

October 7, 2023

This was a really long weekend pushing to get dried in.  The rain is coming back and it looks like a lot of it.  We've also already pushed the electricians back 2 weeks and it's looking like it's going to have to be at least one more.  We just can't get things done fast enough and not because we're not working hard enough or fast enough.  There's just too much to do!!!

This week Brandon finished roofing the back patio which is huge as it will give us a dry place for muddy shoes.  We also got weather barrier and windows installed in a majority of the house.  We have a couple windows left to do on the back of the house but the front which receives the most rain is finished.

Hazel and Evie went to visit Great-Grandpa while we worked and Maddie and Aubrey lived their best life out on the bounce house.

We also took some time to roast smores this weekend and the kids played some pretty fun hide and seek in the dark.  We always love the moments when they all find things they enjoy together.

Tuesday they came and set forms for the slab but also informed us that they weren't going to be able to pour on Thursday as they had hoped.  Bigger job took our truck.  Booo!!!

New plan is to pour Saturday.  Right now the forecast shows 30% chance of rain on Saturday and dry Sunday so we're crossing our fingers hoping for some dry weather. :)

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