Friday, July 29, 2022

My 40th!

Well it's here the big 40!  It feels like a big deal and it doesn't.  Honestly it's just another year and although parts of getting older aren't great and it really makes me miss my Dad and realize how terribly young he was when we lost him, there are so many other parts that are wonderful!  Like feeling generally more settled and content with who I am and where God has me and understanding more and more the blessing it is to be able to reflect on so many years of growth and blessings.

I always feel a special connection to the Scully family on my birthday as I share a birthday with the sweetest set of triplets I know.  Happy Birthday to Audrey, Elsie, and Quincey!!!  Praying hard for their sister Mia today!!!

Brandon was so thoughtful this year.  He collected cards and notes from friends and family which were so kind and encouraging.  I felt so very very loved!

Free birthday treats are this Dutch woman's favorite!

Also Target.  Decorations for Katie's shower/a little birthday splurge.

Kendra came by with this llama planter.  Isn't it the cutest!!!

Brandon's mom sent these beautiful daisies.

Brandon invited the family over for dinner which he had catered from the Mexican restaurant here in Jefferson.  So yummy and such a special treat!!!

Amy bought me this amazing pot filled with filled with flowers.

And Katie brought me a bottle of wine.

Feeling so thankful for the family and friends who took the time to make me feel loved and celebrated today!  And especially thankful for how thoughtful Brandon was in planning this day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

These Babies!

It feels like every 6 months or so I need to do a photo dump documenting the wild shenanigans of these two crazy girls of ours.  They are down right hilarious AND exhausting.  I don't know which of these the other kids are are going to remember more but I sure hope they remember all the silly fun. 

July 2021
They're really good at making faces for the camera, not very good at getting or staying dressed, and they love to climb into Daddy's truck so that they can touch EVERYTHING.

August 2021
When your number 6 and 7 mommy no longer has energy to dress you.  Soooo...... a diaper and big sister's socks work just fine.

We've found that the only way that we can get them to eat their meat is to feed them before the rest of the kids up at the counter.  So we do what works.

They tend to choose to be difficult whenever possible which means everyone needs to sit on Mommy's lap tonight, or only Daddy can tuck them in, or Mommy must be the one to change their diaper, or Sadie has to read their book at nap time.  They have no shortage of opinions these days.

We love having great grandpa close by.  He's getting older but is really sweet with the kid always teasing them and playing with them.  I love the way he lights up to see them and will always treasure these moments they are getting with him.

No break time here! EVER!!!

Cousin Hadley

See when you have 2 year old twin sisters... NOTHING is EVER safe!!! :(
But hey, now they have something to do again.  Also not much boredom in this house. 

More days than we'd like to admit feel like this.
Always things they can't have.  Always big siblings pestering. 

Eating in the car.
Not sure if it's worth it but we got out of the house so that's something.

November 2021
We've laughed so hard over this a million times.  Twins really are next level crazy!

Aubrey is as stubborn as they come some days.  Don't make me get in the car.  Don't make me buckle.  Don't make me unbuckle or get out of the car.  Don't. Make. Me. Do. ANYTHING!!!!  

And I will not make eye contact with you when I'm in trouble.

December 2021
This was the day Aubrey did not want to come home from Grammy's house.  I honestly didn't know how hard it could be to get a small child out of a car but I'll tell you it was harder than you'd think, and I'd post the video except I actually don't want to remember that clearly how she drug herself around the driveway crying pathetically until I finally carried her in the house.  I think it took her a half an hour to finally snap out of this tantrum.  2's have been a challenge for sure and I'm certain I'm not ready for what's ahead.  3's are always worse!!!

Oh little gutter snipes!

I Dress Myself!!!

Food is for playing NOT eating.

Nothing beats Grammy's house.  She always has something fun to play with and always finds energy somehow to play with all her grandkids.

These babies of ours aren't so much babies anymore as they are terrible toddlers.  Don't get me wrong they're adorable and hilarious but they are also in many ways exponentially harder then they were as babies.  I'm not sure twins always feel like this or if it's mostly because they are number 6 and 7 but they are giving us a run for our money right now.

Not to worry though.  This is how we keep our sanity.

Well this and knowing how quick these early years fly by.  The days are long but the years LITERALLY fly by!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Christmas 2021

Christmas Morning

The babies got new pink Nike tennis shoes.

Hazel's favorite gift was a Barbie Ambulance

Cooper's got a football field goal post.

Sadie was excited to get a desk for her room.

Wyatt got a football target net.

Evie got a Barbie Pool

The boys were also super excited to get Madden for the Playstation.

The girls got a Barbie airplane from Grammy.  I think/hope we own all the big Barbie toys now because I don't think we have room for any more.  We're being overrun!

Dale and Tina are always so thoughtful to send a gift on Christmas.  It usually includes Sees chocolates which Mommy and Daddy don't share, Red Robins gift cards which the kids love, a little cash for each kiddo, and an assortment of silly toys.

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...