Saturday, July 3, 2021

Wrapping up the School Year

We made it!!!  Another school year in the books.  Only one short 4 day quarantine for a positive COVID case in Sadie's class but otherwise besides masks, and lots of extra rules the kids were all able to be in school all year and we are really thankful.  In fact, after spring break the kids were even able to mingle with the other kids in their own grade level a little more which was a huge blessing and we're hoping next year school will be back to normal.  I really did miss getting to be on campus, though I'm not sure with the twins how much I would have actually been able to do, and the kids definitely missed getting to see their friends in the other classes, but we made it and we're thankful!  

On the last day of school Grammy and I, along with Hazel, Evie, and the Twins made a quick trip to IKEA in Portland to get some cubbies for the boys' room, but while we drove I was able to join a ZOOM meeting for Wyatt's class and watch him get his award and Mrs. Lute sent me some video's of Sadie getting her awards which was really sweet of her.

Math Award

Leadership Award

Blow Pop Award

Wyatt received the Patience Award for always being willing to give an idea to solve a problem and not being frustrated if people don't go along with his idea.  If they don't go along with his idea right away he just comes up with another. :)

Cooper received the Puzzle Award for always wanting to step up to any challenge.  One example of this was when his teacher accidentally gave him a spelling list that was WAY to hard.  He was the only one in the group who chose to keep the list anyway.   Also he was one of only about 4 students who mastered all of his multiplication facts as a 2nd grader.

I really love the way the kids' teachers get to know them and find the good in each of their unique personalities.  Such a blessing and encouragement to them and to me!

Yes it's buckled into it's own seat in the car...and no I cannot tell you how many times I've heard this song in the last 18 hours.

We stopped at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts on the way to IKEA and apparently it was national doughnut day so we got A LOT of doughnuts.

We left the Twins with Grammy and took the kids to Red Robins for a celebratory dinner.  Thanks to COVID they tried to make us sit at 2 tables as apparently parties of more than 6 are not allowed but we were really thankful to the manager for looking the other way on this so that we could celebrate together.

And we ended the evening setting up the boys' cubes, getting all their toys off the floor, and watching a movie in their FINALLY clean room!!!!!

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