Monday, May 24, 2021

Saying Goodbye to our Puppies

This time around we sent the puppies home a little more slowly than we have in the past.  The kids are always so sad to see them go and I don't know if this made things better or worse but it's just kinda the way it went this time.

The kids really wanted me to bring the puppies in to visit their classrooms but with COVID and so many kids and schedules that just wasn't really doable so beginning their last week with us I started taking a puppy to school each afternoon.  

Saturday we said goodbye to our 1st pick which was Sadie's puppy Sugar.  She was pretty bummed that her puppy was leaving early as it was suppose to stay until Wednesday, but when Sugar's family asked to come and visit on Saturday we decided it was close enough to her going home date to just let her go.

2nd pick female, Nugget, left on Thursday evening.

Hazel's puppy Cookie was a terrible climber.  We actually had to double up the fences to keep her from escaping and she still almost got out.

Next to go was our 1st pick male, Anaranjado.  He headed up to Washington with his new family on Friday morning.

When the kids got home from school Friday they knew it was time to really start saying their goodbyes so we took lots of pictures with the remaining puppies. :(

Hazels puppy, Cookie, was our 3rd pick female.  She handled it well but was really really sad after they left.

4th pick female, our little runt Tortuga, left Saturday morning.

2nd pick male, Bluey, was picked by Daddy's friend which means he gets to stay for the next 2 weeks while they are on vacation.

Last of the girls to go was Evie's puppy, Nana.

Green's buyer backed out about 30 minutes before they were suppose to be here on Thursday so we actually ended up relisting him and thankfully quickly found him a home.  He headed out Monday afternoon leaving us with just Bluey who is now very lonely.  Poor puppy!

Sugar was renamed Nyla.

Nugget was renamed Cookie

Cookie was renamed Kona

Tortuga was renamed Hallie.

Nana was renamed Timber Lynn.

Anaranjado was renamed Hunter.

Greenie/Pickles was renamed Copper.

And Bluey was renamed Leo!  Leo spent an extra week with us so he got to make a trip to school to visit Hazel's kindergarten class and quite a few trips to the dairy to play with Storm.

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