Thursday, October 31, 2024

Troyer Addition: Week 80-83

 September 7, 2024

Week 80-83: Finishing up the exterior on the most visible 2 sides of the house so that we can paint before the rain.

This weekend the 3 oldest kids spent the day staining the cedar shingles for the roof while Brandon hung siding and I cut siding.

Aubrey is entertaining May for me by leaving her a trail of siding sticks. :)

September 14, 2024

Last week Wyatt spent Thursday and Friday at Camp Tadmore with the Jr. High.  This week Sadie spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday up there with our high school.  I really am so thankful for the creativity of these teachers and the way they love and disciple our kids.  Wyatts class was divided into houses and all year they will compete to win a pizza party at the end of they year.  I'm telling you it's unrecognizable the difference I see in our Jr. High already.  So awesome!!!  

September 21, 2024

We finished side  #2 of the house which meant setting up a second scaffold, not our favorite thing, but it's done.  Now one more weekend to get everything caulked and sanded and ready for paint.

These two were very busy this weekend building a house for Dog Dog and Sushi.  Kids really are so creative.



Dog Dog

Sadie's team played in Waldport today.  We didn't make it to the game but are thankful for others who went to cheer them on and sent us pictures.

While Sadie was playing volleyball Brandon was changing the brake pads and rotors on the suburban.  It really is amazing all the things he knows how to do.  He takes care of this family of ours so well.  Sunday was the first time I heard the brakes making a noise and by Thursday he had us all taken care of.  He changed all 4 brakes and rotars!

September 28, 2024
This wasn't one of our most exiting weekends...So much sanding and prep work but at last it's finished.  All is prepped and next week we get to paint.  I literally CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Brandon gave me the go ahead to start decorating the kids' study space which use to be Sadie's old room.  So fun to see things start to come together.

More Volleyball!

And in the 30 or so minutes it took me to get dinner ready while Brandon waited for Sadie this happened.  
WHY?!?!  Maddie why?!?  
Her response when I said "Oh no Maddie, what happened?" was "I'll go get it!"  Heavy sigh.
I thought we'd already learned this lesson but apparently not or maybe God in his infinite wisdom knew Mrs. Metzger needed an easy way to tell the girls apart. ;)

Who knew installing a toilet could be so exciting.

Pocket door instructions...the gist of which are don't be rough with the new door.

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...