Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Evie's 7th Birthday!

 Happy Birthday Evie Rose!!!!

We celebrated Evie's birthday the Friday before her birthday because the next day was demo day!  So thankful for this group of people who gather year after year to celebrate her life with us and to partner with us in loving and raising her.  With Uncle Roberts engagement our family now includes 12 adults and 19 kids

Notice the bare plywood on the walls by the time her actual birthday arrived.

Evie is sweet and gentle in a family of loud opinions and sass, she is well dress among a group of savages, she has the biggest blue eyes that melt her Daddy's heart, she is Hazels best friend, and though she is often asked to speak up we also so appreciate her quiet sweet spirit.  This year we let Evie get her ears pierced.  We made the other girls wait until 2nd grade but she's really been wanting to and we thought it was a good opportunity to spoil her a little as she's really got a tough spot being stuck in the middle of the family between a very large personality and twin sisters.

We love you Evie!  Happy Birthday!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 36

November 4, 2023

Week 36: DEMO!!!  SO MUCH DEMO!!!! Fire Sprinklers, Sheer Wall, Electrical, HVAC

We were hoping to wait to do any more demo until after we were able to occupy our new space BUT turns out that doesn't really work because the drywall on the ceilings needs to be rehung before the fire sprinklers are fully charged lest we hit one and flood the house.  So this meant at the very least we needed to cut out channels in the drywall all throughout the 1st floor and repair it now.  However, we also really wanted to add can lights as our house is fairly dimly lit and now would be the time to do that which means more drywall being cut out.  Then add to that the fact that we have a few spots in our ceilings that have cracks from leaks and it seemed like it really made the most sense to just remove the drywall from the ceilings.  Now if you're removing the drywall from the ceilings why stop there right???  The entire length of wall from the kitchen to the fireplace per code needed to be upgraded to a shear wall at some point and then again so much cracking in some of the walls of this old house so might as well do it all at once.  Uggg!!!  I mean who has energy to do this at this point in a project and at the same time who in their right mind wants to create this kind of mess and upheaval as soon as you finally get everything else finished which was going to have to happen to get our final.  

So we made a plan to make it happen.  I spent the week boxing up the downstairs and sticking things in literally every available crack and crevice.  Then we planned and celebrated Evie's birthday with the family 1 week before her actual birthday so that the following day demo could begin.  We've probably never felt crazier or more exhausted.

Demo Day

Removing electrical cover plates.

Fireplace Demo

I'm not going to lie...when I came home to bring everyone lunch I could have cried.  Holey smokes!!!  For real what in the world are we doing?!?!?  It's like I knew this was the plan but somehow seeing it was way, way worse.

And yet we're so very thankful for all the hard work and help we received from so many.  Uncle Ryan pulled apart our wood stove in the morning, Josh spent the morning helping with demo, and Lorenzo, Uncle Robert, Uncle Brian, Auntie Katie, Wyatt, and Cooper spent the entire day here pumping out so that when I got home with the rest of the kids at 6:00 with pizza we at least had a place to sit and eat.

Making memories right???

While they ate Brandon and I moved the T.V. back out of the boys room along with some of the other things we'd crammed in there so that they could at least get to their beds.

I really can't believe how much they got done in a day.  So thankful this didn't have to drag into multiple days.

Sunday Brandon and I ran out to get donuts for the kids in the morning as the kitchen was still a complete disaster and then spent the day doing the last bits of finish demo and cleaning counters and floors of all the drywall dust.

And 36 hours later here we are tired but eating Sunday dinner at our kitchen table.


On Monday the fire sprinkler guys came back out to finish up their work.  Brandon worked from home as he still needed to cut out some drywall in the kitchen and boys' room for them and because there's just A LOT happening here.

Fire Sprinklers

Set up for fire sprinkler pump

Recessed Lighting

New Electrical Panel

New A.C. Unit

These 2 are really good sports about all the chaos.

Electricians have also been here working on and off for 2 and half weeks.  We're hoping they wrap up soon but we ended up needing to upgrade our power which was some extra work plus this is just a lot of house to wire.  Thankfully they've been super great guys and we've really enjoyed working with them.

The electricians continued to work and the HVAC guys showed up to finish their work setting up the new air and heating as well as venting the bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Brandon has been working hardest of all trying to balance his actual job and then all of the many many things that come up every day here.  Yesterday we found out that the permit for the fire sprinklers hadn't been pulled.  Ugg!  Today he managed an inspection of the new shear wall, as well as many questions from the HVAC team and electricians who informed him they're out of time on this job.  Hokey Pete!!!  This isn't even mentioning the time he's spending in the evening trying to get the wall between the house and garage buttoned back up so that the house feels a little more normal and a little warmer with insulation and plywood covering this wall.

We all deal with this in different ways.  Me?  I buy ice cream.  Hazel?  She spends lots of time with the puppy.


Work continued here and thankfully the permits for the fire sprinklers were approved by the county quickly so we sent the evening running up to Home Depot because there is ALWAYS a list and then running to Staple to pick up the fire sprinkler plans that we're going to need in order for them to be inspected tomorrow morning. 

Today we passed our fire sprinkler inspection!!!  I was the only one home for this one but thankfully the lady who showed up was super nice.  In and out just the way we like it.  In the evening we went out for Carl's Jr. in memory of Dad's birthday.  Man do we miss him.  His laugh, his wisdom, his encouragement, his presence in our lives.

Evie's Birthday!  Now that's a week I tell you!!!

This life sure is an adventure isn't it?!?!

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...