Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 25

August 19, 2023

Week 25: Finished plywood on roof and rough plumbing.

Another friend of Brandon's, Lorenzo, came out on Saturday and helped us finish laying the plywood on the roof.

The plumbers came and did all the rough plumbing this week.

And Friday we went to the Cool Pool with our church.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Meet May

Meet the newest addition to our crazy life May.  We've been back and forth for what feels like months about whether or not this is a good time to get a puppy.  I'm pretty certain it's not with everything else we have going on and yet when will we ever really feel like we have the time and energy and we know as well as anyone how quickly time goes.  The kids are growing fast and they all LOVE Uncle Robert's puppies and this is likely his last liter for some time so..... we decided to go for it.  Uncle Robert came over with her on Thursday, since Brandon was home Thursday and Friday, and surprised the kids with her.  So for the last 2 weeks of summer it is our mission to crate train and potty train Miss May as best we can and so far so good.  The kids love on her/ fight over her literally ALL day which is irritating but they also keep a very close eye on her which is wonderful and by the end of the day she seems ready to be left alone in her crate for the night which is also good news for those of us who like to sleep :)

May and Maddie


Uncle Brian and Ollie had some fun with May's photo. :)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 24

 August 12, 2023

Week 24: Demo complete, job site clean-up, trusses delivered and rolled, and facia and plywood on the roof.

The boss says a clean job site is a safe job site so that was our mission this Saturday morning.

Popsicles as a reward for a job well done.

A huge thank you to Brandon's friend Joe for his help Thursday and Friday rolling trusses and sheathing the roof.  Brandon really enjoyed working with another experienced carpenter for a couple of days!

Friday, August 11, 2023

Troyer Addition - Week 22 - 23

 July 29, 2023

Week 22: Stood more 2nd floor walls.

Wyatt was up early to help us stand some walls.  We're making good progress and have a majority of the interior and exterior wall stood.  We have one more long length of exterior wall to go, some demo, top plate, and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff to finish in the next 2 weeks before trusses get delivered on the 17th of August.

Early Sunday morning we sent Wyatt of to Camp Firwood in Northern Washington for summer camp with our church.  He was gone an entire week and I must say it was pretty weird not having him here.  Cooper especially missed his brother a ton and I think Wyatt missed us too.  He came back with some hilarious stories including an epic launch from the blob, a squirrel named Greg, and not brushing his teeth because "highschoolers just hang out in the bathroom in their underwear."  He said he was ready to come home but would also go again.  I think that's pretty much what you hope for in these situations. :)  He also discovered that he eats pretty good here at home!!!

Hazel and Cooper got to have friends over while Wyatt was gone.  Hazel invited Everly and Cooper invited Sam.  We went over to the farm for part of the time to see puppies and swim which was kind of a disaster as the pool was dirtier than I realized and Cooper got stung by a bee within a few minutes but the animals were a hit.




The girls also had their 4 year old check ups with our favorite Dr. Stout this week and we survived our very last round of 4 year old vaccines with relatively little drama!!!

August 5, 2023

Week 23: More walls stood, top plate, and started demo

This was an insanely busy week.  The twins attended VBS with Grammy,  Daddy bought a new goat named Princess, Hazel and Evie had swimming lessons, the 3 oldest girls got hair cuts and did their school shopping, the boys had a sleep over at a friends, Hazel and Evie had their check ups with the doctor, and we had a bonus trip to the doctors office for an infected foot after Cooper stepped on a bullet casing that was hiding out in the grass.

"Meet we new Princess goat"

Haircuts all around.

Evie's 1st time off the diving board.

Summer Sleepovers

VBS 2023
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
Ephesians 6:11

Oh and the house....
Life never seems to slow down.  Which I realize is mostly our own fault.

Family Photos and a Christmas Tree

This is a pretty amazing family we've been blessed with.  Far to often we focus on how overwhelming certain aspects of it are but as Bra...